Best Practice Advisors

Buildings and Lighting Buildings and Lighting
BP No. Title Advisor Picture Advisor
1 Efficient Existing Public Buildings Best Practice Advisor Photo

Peter Lindstrom, Local Government Outreach Coordinator, Clean Energy Resource Teams: 612/625-9634,,

2 Efficient Existing Private Buildings Best Practice Advisor Photo

Peter Lindstrom, Local Government Outreach Coordinator, Clean Energy Resource Teams: 612/625-9634,,

3 New Green Buildings Melissa Wenzel light skin, short dark brown hair, brown eyes, large smile. Wearing a blue shirt with bicycle images printed and a purple sweater.

Melissa Wenzel, Built Environment Sustainability Administrator, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 651/757-2251,

4 Efficient Outdoor Lighting and Signals Sue Zarling BP 4

Susan Zarling, State Signal and Lighting Engineer, MN Dept. of Transportation: 651/234-7052,

5 Building Redevelopment BP_5_photo_Erin

Erin Hanafin Berg, Policy Director, Rethos: 651-293-9047,,

Land Use Land Use
BP No. Title Advisor Picture Advisor
6 Comprehensive, Climate and Energy Plans Best Practice Advisor Photo

Suzanne Rhees, AICP, Special Projects Coordinator, MN Board of Water and Soil Resources: 651/875-1345,

7 Resilient City Growth Best Practice Advisor Photo

Brian Ross, Vice President - Renewable Energy, Great Plains Institute: 612/767-7296,,

8 Mixed Uses Best Practice Advisor Photo

Brian Ross, Vice President - Renewable Energy, Great Plains Institute: 612/767-7296,,

9 Efficient Highway- and Auto-Oriented Development Best Practice Advisor Photo

Frank Douma, Director of State & Local Policy and Outreach of the Institute for Urban and Regional Infrastructure Finance, University of Minnesota: 612/626-9946,,

10 Design for Natural Resource Conservation A headshot with short, light brown hair and light colored skin, wearing a white shirt and a grey scarf.

Laura Musacchio, University of Minnesota, Department of Landscape Architecture: 612/626-0810,

Transportation Transportation
BP No. Title Advisor Picture Advisor
11 Living & Complete Streets Nissa Tupper with light skin, medium blond hair, in a dark floral blouse, large smile, in front of a tree

Nissa Tupper, Transportation and Public Health Planning Director, Office of  Sustainability and Public Health, MN Dept. of Transportation: 651/366-4807,,

12 Mobility Options

Caroline Ketcham, Principal Active Transportation Planner, MN Dept. of Transportation: 

13 Efficient City Fleets

Evan Pak, Emissions Reduction Specialist, MN Pollution Control Agency: 651-757-2816,

14 Demand-Side Travel Planning white female with should length dark brown hair and bangs; black jacket; green eyes; smiling

Kristin Mroz, GreenStep Cities coordinator : 651-757-2793, 

Environmental Management Environmental Management
BP No. Title Advisor Picture Advisor
15 Sustainable Purchasing Alison Cameron with long dark hair, green eyes, light skin; wearing a gray sweater and earrings; in front of a blue wall.

Alison Cameron, Sustainable Purchasing Coordinator, MN Pollution Control Agency: 651-757-2195,

16 Community Forests and Soils Rachel Morice - woman with short dark hair and light colored skin on a lake with a green blouse and black overalls wearing a straw hat

Rachel Morice, Urban and Community Forest Project Specialist, MN Department of Natural Resources: 651-296-6157,,

17 Stormwater Management

Paula Kalinosky, Hydrologist, MN Pollution Control Agency: and Joanne Boettcher, Stormwater Research Liaison, MN Pollution Control Agency: , 

18 Parks and Trails Headshot of Anna Callahan: long, straight light brown hair, glasses, smile, wearing a blue jacket standing in a forested area with a lake and island in the background

Anna Callahan, Senior Program Manager, Community Powered Parks and Schoolyards - Trust for Public Land: 651-447-8545,

19 Surface Water Best Practice Advisor Photo

Daniel Petrik, Land Use Specialist, MN Dept. of Natural Resources: 651/259-5697,

20 Efficient Water and Wastewater Systems Gabrielle Martin headshot in a blue shirt, dark rimmed glasses, shaved head, smiling

Gabrielle Martin, Assoc. Engineer, Minnesota Technical Assistance Program: 980.329.2647, gamartin@umn.edu 


21 Septic Systems A headshot of a male with short, light brown hair and light colored skin, with slight facial hair, wearing a green colored polo shirt.

Steven Oscarson, Environmental Specialist, MN Pollution Control Agency: 507-206-2604,, 

22 Sustainable Consumption and Waste Melissa Wenzel light skin, short dark brown hair, brown eyes, large smile. Wearing a blue shirt with bicycle images printed and a purple sweater.

Melissa Wenzel, Built Environment Sustainability Administrator, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 651/757-2251,

23 Local Air Quality Tyler Ellis

Tyler Ellis, Neighborhood Air Pollution Lead, MN Pollution Control Agency: 651/757-2191,

Resilient Economic & Community Development Resilient Economic and Community Development
BP No. Title Advisor Picture Advisor
24 Benchmarks and Community Engagement

Sean Gosiewski, Resilient Cities & Communities: 612/250-0389,;

25 Green Business Development Melissa Wenzel light skin, short dark brown hair, brown eyes, large smile. Wearing a blue shirt with bicycle images printed and a purple sweater.

Melissa Wenzel, Built Environment Sustainability Administrator, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 651/757-2251,,

26 Renewable Energy Melissa Birch - white woman slightly smiling with shoulder-length light brown hair, wearing dark rectangle-framed glasses, a pink turtleneck shirt and a black cardigan

Melissa Birch, Co-Director, Clean Energy Resource Teams: 218/866-2338,,

27 Local Food Mike Zastoupil male with light skin, medium length dark hair, facial hair, and a blue dress shirt.

Mike Zastoupil, Agricultural and Food Systems Planner, MN Department of Agriculture: 651/201-6369,, 

28 Business Synergies and EcoDistricts Melissa Wenzel light skin, short dark brown hair, brown eyes, large smile. Wearing a blue shirt with bicycle images printed and a purple sweater.

Melissa Wenzel, Built Environment Sustainability Administrator, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 651/757-2251,

29 Climate Adaptation and Community Resilience Amanda Wold - white woman smiling with below shoulder-length medium brown hair, wearing dark colored hat and jacket, standing outdoors with snow and trees in the background

Amanda Wold (Pronouns: Winyan (she/her)), Climate Change Technical Assistance Coordinator, MN Pollution Control Agency: 218/316-3858,,