Additional Assistance

Program Overview Service Term Host Site Applications
MN GreenCorps Aims to preserve and protect Minnesota’s environment while training a new generation of environmental professionals through project focus areas of: air pollutant reduction, community readiness and outreach, green infrastructure improvements, and waste reducing, recycling, and organics management Full-time, 11 months (Sept. - Aug.) Open until March 12
Climate Impact Corps Climate Impact Project Coordinators serve at non-profit and public agencies where they plan, coordinate, and execute climate resilience projects that help communities anticipate, prepare for, and respond to climate-related issues.   Part or full-time, 11 months (Aug. - July) Open Now (on a rolling basis until positions are filled)
Conservation Corps MN/IA Youth and young adults grow as environmental stewards and leaders while giving back to the community through meaningful service and projects such as: erosion control, vegetation management, survey & data collection, construction and carpentry, and community outreach. See also, Conservation Crews - a student-led extracurricular school program for middle schoolers.  Crews are project based, up to 2 weeks; Individuals are full-time, 3-11 months

Request now

Clean Water Fund projects due June 30

Northern Bedrock Historic Preservation Corps  Hands-on preservation projects across the state of Minnesota including site stabilization, window repair and reglazing, masonry, plaster work, log building maintenance, and cemetery restoration. Crews are project based, up to 7 days, available June through October Submit a Project Inquiry at any time 
National Civilian Community Corps Designed to assist on a short-term basis and include a wide variety such as supporting climate change mitigation, building affordable housing, disaster response, energy conservation, infrastructure improvement, and more.  Crews are project based, 3-13 weeks, available July through April Submit a Project Concept Form at any time
Lead for Minnesota Support small and medium sized communities working on the toughest challenges facing their communities. Full-time (35 hours per week), 1 year Submit interest form now
Civic Bridgers A MN specific VISTA program to immerse emerging professionals in a year of bridge-building service at a nonprofit or public agency. Fellows serve toward bridging cultural and ideological differences.  Full-time (35 hours per week), 1 year (August-August) Submit interest now
Vista A nation-wide program fighting against poverty by helping local organizations expand their capacity to make change through projects that invest in economic opportunity, heathy futures, education, veterans and military families, environmental stewardship, priority populations, and race equity.  Full-time, 1 year

Apply now - Due March 27 

(more cycles throughout the year)

  • Technical Assistance Programs
    • MnTAP - The Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP) is an outreach program at the University of Minnesota that helps Minnesota businesses [including governments] develop and implement industry-tailored solutions that prevent pollution at the source, maximize efficient use of resources, and reduce energy use and costs to improve public health and the environment.
    • RETAP - The Minnesota Retiree Environmental Technical Assistance Program (RETAP) employs skilled, retired professionals to provide facility assessments and community sustainability projects for small businesses, institutions, and city, county, and tribal governments in Minnesota.
    • Community Engineering Corps - Engineering and/or technical design services for communities (of all types) unable to obtain traditional for-hire consulting services. Volunteer project teams provide expertise in agriculture, civil works, energy, structures, and/or water & sanitation.
  • Community-wide Visioning and Projects
    • Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships (RSDP) - brings together community and University of Minnesota knowledge and resources to drive sustainability in four focus areas: agriculture and food systems, clean energy, natural resources and resilient communities.
    • Empowering Small Minnesota Communities (ESMC) - a community-centered collaboration with the University of Minnesota to support small communities in becoming well-positioned to benefit from federal, state, and local investments.
    • Resilient Communities Project - connects local government agencies in Minnesota with University of Minnesota faculty and students to advance community resilience and student learning through collaborative, course-based projects.
    • Sustainable Communities Partnership - develops multi-year partnerships with communities to integrate community-identified sustainability projects into University of St. Thomas courses across disciplines, engaging students in real-world, applied research and innovative problem-solving. Projects include ecological, social, and economic dimensions of sustainability.
    • Minnesota Main Streets - an asset-based economic development program that uses historic preservation as a core strategy to revitalize downtowns. Minnesota Main Street Communities are part of a statewide and national network that provides support and resources for local revitalization efforts. Designated Accredited Communities adhere to a list of criteria set by the National Main Street Center.
    • Minnesota Design Team - uses design and community development principals, to help Minnesota communities- particularly those in rural areas- develop and act upon a shared vision of their future; an American Institute of Architects Minnesota.
    • Partners in Energy - for communities within Xcel Energy service areas, identify local energy priorities with residents, businesses, and your government facilities to save money, promote renewables, and drive toward greenhouse gas reduction goals through an Energy Action Plan.
    • Design for Community Regeneration (D4CR) - partners with communities in a process of imagining and planning their resilient future addressing food, water, and energy security while increasing economic opportunities, social cohesion, and finding low-cost housing options; a Minnesota Design Center initiative.
    • University of Minnesota Extension Community Consultation - can help communities choose their future and gather information that helps make critical decisions. Workshops include topics such as: changemakers, economic futures, public value, ag horizons, attracting residents, and more.
    • LEED for Cities & Communities - provides a roadmap to help you evaluate and track progress on social, economic, and environmental conditions in your community.
    • Thriving Earth Exchange - helps scientists, community leaders, and sponsors work together to solve local challenges related to natural resources, climate change and natural hazards.
    • For more specific examples, see the 'implementation tools' under individual Best Practice Actions on the GreenStep Cities website.
  • Funding
  • Data
    • See the Data page on the GreenStep Cities website for more information on accessing and using data.
    • For more specific examples, see the 'implementation tools' under individual Best Practice Actions on the GreenStep Cities website.