
Virtual Open Office Hours - Every Tuesday 8:30-9:30

Questions about GreenStep and/or Gold Leaf? Stop in!
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GreenStep Workshops

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Webinar: Multifamily Decarbonization Solutions - 7/16

Better Buildings summer webinar for energy professionals
Related to: Energy, Training
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B3 Benchmarking - New Features Webinar - 7/9 & 18

Learn about latest new features and ask questions
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Webinar: Leveraging Elective Pay for Community Clean Energy Projects - 7/25

Lawyers for Good Government webinar on using elective pay for clean energy projects
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Webinar: Leveraging the IRA for Clean Energy Projects - 6/26

Lawyers for Good Government webinar are funding from the Inflation Reduction Act
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EECBG Blueprint Cohorts Webinar - 6/27

Learn more about support available to grantees with executing their EECBG projects and programs
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Looking Up Downtown Grants - 7/15

$ to rehab interior upper floors of buildings located in Main Street Districts
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Sustainable GeoCommunities Seed Funding - Due 8/30

$ to support research projects to address local problems that have a global impact
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2024 Clean Sweep Lunch & Learns - 6/27

Free in-person and online opportunities each month on street sweeping topics
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