
Virtual Open Office Hours - Every Tuesday 8:30-9:30

Questions about GreenStep and/or Gold Leaf? Stop in!
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Community Co-Design Leadership Training - 10/-24 (Rochester)

Leadership Training

Session One – October 8 1:00 pm

Session One – October 10 9:00 am

Session Two – October 22 11:00 am

Session Two – October 24 1:00 pm

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Brownfield Grant Writing Workshop - 8/20 (St. Cloud)

Learn about effective grant writing strategies for the EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant
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Equitable Solar Communities of Practice - 7/30, 8/5, 8/22

DOE virtual convenings about benefits, resources, and best practices for equitable solar
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State Competitiveness Funds - Due 9/6

Matching $ for eligible federal funding opportunities requiring a match.
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REUSE24 Conference - 10/8-9 (Brooklyn Park)

For professionals in the reuse, repair, and rental sectors
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Smart Salting Trainings - July-Dec

Trainings for winter maintenance staff, property managers, business owners, community leaders, and more
Related to: Water, Health, Training
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Salt Symposium - 8/6-7 (online)

Learn about chloride impacts and reduction methods with professionals across the world
Related to: Water, Education, Health
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Home Energy Rebate Program Public Forums - 7/16-24

Learn about upcoming rebate opportunities for household energy efficiency and provide input on program design
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Community Mapping Expo for MN Non-Profits - 8/21 (in-person: Golden Valley)

Learn how to use GIS tools to enhance grant applications and support decision-making
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