Adopt an historic preservation ordinance/regulations and encourage adaptive reuse.

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Adopt an historic preservation ordinance/regulations and encourage adaptive reuse.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Complete an historic/cultural resources survey of city assets to determine which buildings/sites are community assets and have more potential for preservation/reuse due to potential access to financial incentives.
2 star Designate a historic district; incorporate historic preservation-friendly language into the city’s zoning code and/or into regulatory ordinances (relating to signs and other design guidelines); adopt an historic preservation ordinance (which typically establishes an historic preservation commission); incentivize historic preservation.
3 star Become a Certified Local Government (CLG) for historic preservation; pair rehab financial incentives with energy and resource conservation, indoor air quality and other green building practices.
  • A '3Rs of building' would first reduce the need for building space, next reuse existing buildings/building components, then recycle and manage building materials before building a new building or building addition.

Historic/Cultural Surveys: 

Preservation Ordinances: 

  • Sample historic preservation ordinance (MN Historic Preservation Office)
  • The Certified Local Government Program is a nationwide program that helps local preservation groups transform themselves from grass-roots advocates to policymakers. A city, county or township with a qualifying heritage preservation ordinance and commission (HPC) may become a Certified Local Government (CLG) by applying to the SHPO. CLG status enables the local government to apply for federal matching grants to preserve historic properties. This local-state-federal partnership encourages the integration of historic preservation into local government policy.
  • See model ordinances for adding renewable energy into historic buildings.
  • See BPA 22.8 for information on deconstruction ordinances. 

Rehab Incentives: 

Order Number