For cities outside or on the fringe of metropolitan areas, conduct a build-out analysis, fiscal impact study, or adopt an urban

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For cities outside or on the fringe of metropolitan areas, conduct a build-out analysis, fiscal impact study, or adopt an urban growth boundary and a consistent capital improvement plan that provides long-term protection of natural resources and natural systems, and agricultural practices outside the boundary.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Identify an urban growth boundary on the zoning map and adopt rezoning and annexation requirements that require consistency with capital improvements plan (concurrency ordinance). Report adoption of growth areas with expansion criteria under action 6.4
2 star Adopt an urban growth boundary, accompanying CIP, and collaborate (based on a joint powers agreement) with adjacent township or county to restrict development in sensitive natural areas and urban reserve areas.
3 star Work with adjacent communities to incorporate a cost of public services study/build-out analysis as part of capital improvements planning, and adopt zoning and subdivision standards that consistently protect natural systems that cross jurisdictions.
  • Fiscal Impact Analysis Policies in Rural Communities toolkit (Smart Growth American: 2017) - better understand the revenue and costs that come with new development and to see a model policy that rural communities can use to create a Fiscal Impact Analysis Policy of their own.
  • Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance from the 2009 Minnesota Model Ordinances for Sustainable Development.
  • Build-out analysis tools from Sustainable Jersey allow a city to estimate the amount and the location of houses, commercial/industrial square footage, and population that could result if all the net undeveloped but buildable land within a community or a specified area is developed under current land-use regulations. This estimate is critical to determining whether that level of development is sustainable over the long term.
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