For cities within metropolitan areas, incorporate woodland best management practices addressing protection of wooded areas into

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For cities within metropolitan areas, incorporate woodland best management practices addressing protection of wooded areas into zoning or development review.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Adopt woodland BMPs as performance standards within development regulation, protecting wooded areas during the development process. This action is focused at the subdivision level and protection of tree stands (consistent with best practice planning action 6.4). Individual tree preservation ordinances should be reported under BP action 16.5
2 star Identify high-value woodland areas within the community and adopt performance standards that maintain the natural system integrity of the woodland stands, supporting comprehensive plan action 6.4
3 star Conduct an MLCCS natural resource inventory (consistent with action 1 of this best practice) and write natural resource design standards that protect woodland areas at the subdivision level, ensuring green corridor connections between individual stands or natural resources of different types.
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