Consistently monitor surface water quality/clarity and report findings to community members.

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Consistently monitor surface water quality/clarity and report findings to community members.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Confirm that a governmental entity (watershed district/organization, county, MPCA, DNR, MDH) is routinely sampling water quality/clarity in at least one location within the city/city’s watershed.
2 star Post on the city website water quality/clarity data (or a link to data) available for the city/city’s watershed.
3 star Recognize on the city website at least one person who is a volunteer water monitor, and assure that they are routinely sampling a river or lake or wetland in at least one location within the city/city’s watershed and sending results to the MPCA; include water quality data and descriptive narrative relevant to proposed projects that will be located in shoreland areas in staff reports for all land use applications (variances, CUPs, plats/PUDs, etc.). 
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