Create incentives for vertical mixed-use development in appropriate locations (downtown, commercial districts near colleges or universities, historic commercial districts, commercial districts with minority-owned businesses).

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Create incentives for vertical mixed-use development in appropriate locations (downtown, commercial districts near colleges or universities, historic commercial districts, commercial districts with minority-owned businesses).

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Two or more uses in multi-story buildings favored in the comprehensive plan with overall goals or design guidelines.
2 star Adopt incentives (density bonus, development assistance) for vertical mixed use development such as housing above commercial and/or shared parking in the downtown core.
3 star An incentive and/or requirement for inclusionary (affordable) housing in at least one development; live/work vertical units allowed by right.
  • The Sprawl Repair Manual (Island Press: 2010), illustrated with drawings and detailed strategies, examines three broad categories of suburbs (pre-1920s, 1920s-1980s, post-1980s) and proposes detailed strategies including preservation and transformation into more human-scaled, more financial and ecologically sustainable places.
  • Model live-work and 20 other mixed-use model ordinances in Smart Codes: Model Land-Development Regulations (American Planning Association's PAS Report 556: 2003). See also Building a Single-Stair Walk-up, design thresholds for a 2-3 story mixed use or pure apartment building that meet the fire/life safety requirements of the International Building Code and the accessibility requirements of the Fair Housing Act.
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