Create park/city land management standards/practices that maximize at least one of the following:

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Create park/city land management standards/practices that maximize at least one of the following:

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Introduce low/no mow areas into parkland; proactively manage invasive species; collect recyclables; install an environmental learning/demonstration garden/site; use compost as a soil amendment. List food garden plots in city parks under BPA 27.3; report electric utility vehicles under BPA 13.2; report Lawn to Legumes activity under BPA 2.6
2 star Introduce low/no mow areas into parkland AND utilize organic or integrated pest management; certify through the MPCA at least one city staff person at Level 1 in turf grass BMPs; collect compostables; plant a pollinator garden and/or adopt a pollinator habitat policy.
3 star Provide sources of non-potable water, or surface/rain water, for parkland irrigation; require all city-licensed turf grass services to have staff certified at Level 1 in MPCA turf grass BMPs; transition to all-electric equipment; introduce sheep/goats to keep grass mowed/invasives at bay; raise honey on city land/buildings; other innovative methods.

Turf management: 

Soil and compost: 

Native landscaping and pollinator protection: 

  • Addressing recent dramatic die-offs of honeybees, Shorewood became the first MN city to adopt in 2014 bee-safe policies and procedures for city land, relating to planting bee-friendly flowers and restricting pesticides thought to contribute to bee deaths, and including education to residents to keep properties in the city safe for pollinators.
  • See adopted and model city resolution language for Pollinator Friendly Cities from Pollinate Minnesota.
  • Learn about the state of pollinators, find resources, see annual reports at the Environmental Quality Board.
  • Find additional best practice actions related to pollinator protection, native and pollinator-friendly vegetation, and bee-keeping.
  • Guidance for pollinator-friendly vegetated stormwater practices are included in the MPCA Stormwater Manual.
  • The Mayors' Monarch Pledge is a challenge from the National Wildlife Federation for cities to restore habitat and encourage citizens to do the same in order to help save the monarch butterfly, an iconic species whose populations have declined by 90% in the last 20 years.
  • Beyond Pesticides has model language for pesticide-free and integrated pest management city operations.
  • The American Green Zone Alliance promotes zero-emission landscape maintenance strategies. Replacement of turf grass with a prairie, for example, pays for itself in about six years due to a reduction in moving costs (as estimated in 2019 by the Met Council).
  • See action 2.6 for the Lawns to Legumes program focused on planting residential lawns with native vegetation and pollinator friendly forbs and legumes to protect a diversity of pollinators including the state Rusty Patched Bumblebee.
  • In 2017 the Faribault city council approved an ordinance allowing prescribed grazing - the application of goats as a landscape management technique for noxious and invasive vegetation - on residential properties. The city itself is planning to use prescribed grazing in some of its parks and trails.
  • See other guidance and funding for invasives' management from MN DNR and a number of other organizations.

a. Low maintenance turf management; native landscaping; organic or integrated pest management; pollinator/monarch-safe policies.
b. Recycling/compostables collection; use of compost as a soil amendment.
c. Sources of nonpotable water, or surface/rain water, for irrigation.

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