Create/modify a green residential remodeling assistance/financing program to assist homeowners in adding space to their existing

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Create/modify a green residential remodeling assistance/financing program to assist homeowners in adding space or features such as EV charging, renewables to their existing homes.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Incentives/assistance are offered/promoted by the city, AND green building practices are explicitly included.
2 star Implement 1-star actions AND provide guidance on how to retain historic architectural elements during remodels.
3 star Implement 2-star actions AND the program's successes are documented/well-promoted.
  • See, for example, Burnsville's Green Guide (green remodeling strategies) and the 2008 Green Remodeling Idea Book from First Suburbs Coalition of Kansas City.
  • See Roseville's remodeling books page for links to two remodeling pattern books by architect Robert Gerloff of Minneapolis: Cape Cods & Ramblers: A Remodeling Planbook for Post-WWII Houses and Split Visions: A Planbook of Remodeling Ideas for Split-Level and Split-Entry Houses.
  • For one action and resources related to alley houses (accessory dwelling units), see GreenStep best practice action 7.2
  • See EV resources at Drive Electric Minnesota.
  • Use the International Dark-Sky Association Home Lighting guide to promote reduced/smarter outdoor lighting. See the GreenStep Dark Skies best practices for more.
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