Eliminate barriers and actively encourage higher density housing by including in the city zoning ordinance and zoning map:

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Eliminate barriers and actively encourage higher density housing by including in the city zoning ordinance and zoning map:

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Have at least one single-family zoning district or selected area that requires or allows 7-unit/acre (or greater).
2 star A mixed- or single-use zoning district allowing 15+ dwelling units/acre; set a minimum density for single family zones where urban services are available at 7 dwelling units/acre and minimum gross density for multi-family at 15 dwelling units/acre (a level that supports 1 bus/15 min.).
3 star Allow 2,3,4-plexes by right in most/all residential districts; have a minimum residential gross density of 20 units/acre when adjacent to a permanent transit node or pedestrian-oriented commercial retail district, eliminate exclusive single family zoning districts.

a. Neighborhood single-family density at 7 units/acre or greater wherever urban services are available.
b. Multi-family housing at a gross density of at least 15 units/acre adjacent to a commercial zoning district or transit node.

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