Identify and remedy street-trail gaps between city streets and off-road trails/bike trails to better facilitate walking and biki

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Identify and remedy street-trail gaps between city streets and off-road trails/bike trails to better facilitate walking and biking.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Make functional/recreational walking/biking possible between at least one park/open area and city streets. Report remedies for gaps entirely within your city's system of parks, off-road trails and open spaces or those that connect your city to a key destination/area/trail outside of the city under BPA 18.1.
2 star Add a walking/bike trail that significantly improves access between two areas without a full network of streets (e.g., connecting cul-de-sacs within a housing development that has very long blocks).
3 star Fully integrate your street and off-road trail network to facilitate bike/pedestrian commuting.
  • See implementation tools for action 11.4.
  • Developed as part of MnDOT's Statewide Pedestrian System Plan, the Priority Areas for Walking (PAWS) map shows Priority Areas for Walking Study scores for half-mile hexagons based on equity, safety, health, infrastructure, and land use factors. Note this map is meant for a starting point for MnDOT decision-making, but could apply to local efforts.
  • See also the MnDOT statewide Suitability for the Pedestrian and Cycling Environment (SPACE) analysis tool. To prioritize reviewing projects for bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, this high-level analysis aggregates data on key characteristics across the entire state. For project selection or prioritization, this process captures an estimate for demand but not existing infrastructure. 
  • See ordinance examples for making trail connections between cul-de-sacs.
  • For actions and resources related to connecting roads and trails for bicycle and pedestrian transportation, see best practice #18: Parks and Trails.
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