Improve/organize residential trash, recycling and organics collection by private and/or public operations and offer significant volume-based pricing on residential garbage and/or incentives for recycling.

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Improve/organize residential trash, recycling and organics collection by private and/or public operations and offer significant volume-based pricing on residential garbage and/or incentives for recycling.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Require trash haulers to follow the city-organized recycling collection schedule; require organized collection of residential recyclables; publish hauler rates on city's web site & require waste/recyclables tonnage reports as a condition of licensing; assist residents on X% of city blocks to arrange for 75%+ of houses to contract with 1 trash hauler; set at least a 25% price differential among 3 cart size/frequency categories (~30, 60, 90-gallons); provide a financial or other incentive (e.g. larger container) for recycling. Report compostables collection under BPA 22.5.
2 star Offer bi-weekly trash collection, ideally paired with weekly recycling (and organics); organize city-wide collection of recyclables, yard waste, source-separated organics; limit downward licensed trash haulers as haulers merge or otherwise forfeit their licenses.
3 star Organize trash collection; use a bag-based PAYT (pay as you throw) garbage system; contract with one/multiple, zoned haulers for trash & multi-materials, either via RFP (if previous contract) or via hauler negotiations; note estimated cost savings/decreased air pollution to residents and to city (from decreased truck traffic); note if trucks use compressed natural gas (as city license condition?); achieve 50% recycling & 10% composting rate.

Note that pre-2018 entries of cities organizing their solid waste collection service are found under BPA 22.6.

Hauler Licensing: 

  • The MPCA's Tools for local government (NOTE: the tools are under re-construction. Contact us for information.) includes options grouped into “good,” “better” and “best” actions organized under the 2 categories of collection & ordinances/licensing. Documents to help cities adopt these actions include license templates, a hauler services agreement template, 3 Request for Proposal frameworks, and an organized collection flow chart.

Organized Collection: 


  • SMART BET (Saving Money and Reducing Trash Benefit Evaluation Tool) from the U.S. EPA helps community waste managers with unit-based pricing for solid waste management (also known as Pay-As-You-Throw or PAYT).
  • See WasteZero for bag-based PAYT consulting and operations.
  • In Minnesota, see Moorhead's volume-based fee schedule.
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