Integrate green building and EV charging best practices information and assistance into the building permit process.

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Integrate green building and EV charging best practices information and assistance into the building permit process.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star City staff informs applicants of green building practices and resources; information on installing conduit for eventual electric vehicle charging made available.
2 star All building permit applicants receive green building information and links to web resources, as well as references to local resources such as certified green builders; city EV charger standards established and shared.
3 star Green building information offered to all applicants along with specific suggestions tailored to applications; installation of EV chargers listed as a consideration in city grants of PUD status, CUPs, rezonings.
  • At various steps leading up to when a resident or builder secures a building permit, cities can provide green building information sheets, building tips, checklists, case studies, lists of contractors who have built certified green buildings, information on utility rebate and other financing programs, or green building plan review.
  • See a list of green building frameworks.
  • See, for example, Burnsville's Green Guide (green remodeling strategies).
  • The WELL Building Standard is a performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and wellbeing, through air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort, and mind. Fitwel, created by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a related standard designed for commercial interiors and multi-tenant and single-tenant buildings. Fitwel has twelve sections: location, building access, outdoor spaces, entrances and ground floor, stairwells, indoor environment, workspaces, shared spaces, water supply, cafeterias and prepared food retail, vending machines and snack bars, and emergency procedures.
  • Use the International Dark-Sky Association Lighting Ordinances guide to promote reduced/smarter outdoor lighting. See the GreenStep Dark Skies best practices for more.
  • Light-colored roofs and pavement reflect sunlight, reducing cooling costs and urban heat island effects. See A Practical Guide to Cool Roofs and Cool Pavements (Global Cool Cities Alliance).
  • See guidance on increasing EV charging in cities from Drive Electric Minnesota.
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