Participate in regional economic development planning with representatives from surrounding townships, cities, the county and business interests to: a. Estimate commercial/industrial needs among all jurisdictions.

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Participate in regional economic development planning with representatives from surrounding townships, cities, the county and business interests to:

Rating Guideline
1 star Establish regular or as-needed meetings to include local chambers of commerce and local governmental units and
ensure leadership reflects the perspectives of the entire community.
2 star Adopt a joint powers agreement or the like that formalizes regional economic development/land use planning.
3 star Document regional estimated needs and staging criteria. Report adopted adequate public facilities ordinances under action 9.4
  • See "Transforming Highway Commercial Strips into Mixed-Use Centers and Corridors" in Envisioning Better Communities by Randall Arendt (American Planning Association: 2010).
  • Regional development commissions work with cities on transportation and economic issues common to multiple units of government, and are all linked to from the website of the Minnesota Association of Development Organizations.

a. Estimate commercial/industrial needs among all jurisdictions.
b. Jointly implement recommendations to stage highway/auto-oriented commercial development in order to avoid overbuilding and expensive low-density development.

Order Number
Action Type