Plan and budget for a network of parks, green spaces, water features and trails for areas where new development is planned.

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Plan and budget for a network of parks, green spaces, water features and trails for areas where new development is planned.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Adopt a Parks/Trail plan; have in the city's subdivision chapter code language requiring dedication of open spaces, parks and drainage easements (list % required) or, in lieu of that, cash with each new subdivision. Report conservation design to create wildlife corridors under action 10.1
2 star Dedication required for new developments over 1 acre; create and adopt a conceptual parks and green connections plan for greenfield areas having or planned to have urban services or redevelopment areas; require trail connections between culs-de-sac; integrate into existing Park/Open Space/Trail Plan if one is in place.
3 star Achieve 2 star rating AND require demonstration of bike/ped trail connections for all new housing to existing trail network as part of the subdivision submittal.
  • Important location criteria to consider when adding or expanding parks and trails: proximity to people (market area) and complementary/similar/substitute recreation facilties; linkage to other facilities and non-recreation facilities; location within the larger landscape (natural corridors/watershed).
  • See ordinance examples for making trail connections between culs-de-sac.
Order Number