Strengthen value-added businesses utilizing local "waste" material.

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Strengthen value-added businesses utilizing local "waste" material.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Report businesses that reuse, remanufacture, recycle and compost local material and arbitrage surplus capacity of existing service/product businesses. Report under action 22.4 efforts to publicize, promote and use reuse/repair/rental businesses, and report under action 12.6 bike/car sharing.
2 star City BR&E (business retention and expansion) efforts explicitly assist value-added businesses; report a city plan to add value to anticipated large volume of Emerald Ash Borer wood waste.
3 star Provide explicit incentives such as loans/grants to such businesses.
  • The MPCA's recycling market development program helps start-up and expanding businesses in Minnesota develop uses for recycled materials by offering technical, financial, and marketing assistance.
  • See, for example, Minneapolis-based Wood from the Hood. Other examples are Hutchinson's creation and spin-off of a compost business, reuse of deconstruction and landscaping materials, manufacturing using recycled-content material as a feedstock, companies that sell shredded wood for compost, use recycled or composted materials for roadways and right-of-ways, consignment or reuse stores for furniture, clothing, appliances or building materials.
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