Additional Support for the Gold Leaf Challenge


Summer Internship Program: 

The Gold Leaf Challenge is partnering with the University of Minnesota Sustainability Corps to coordinate student interns with Challenge participants for the Summer of 2024. The purpose of the internship is to help your organization participate in The Gold Leaf Challenge by helping to research, plan, and accomplish Actions or Goals. Applications are closed this year but we look forward to offering summer internship opportunities in 2025!

Virtual Open Office Hours:

Virtual Open Office Hours for Gold Leaf Challenge participants are available weekly. Hop in any time – no need to let us know if you are coming! You will enter a lobby and wait to join so that you are the only one "in" the office. The link is the same for all days.

  • Every Tuesday from 8:30-9:30am

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Contact Us

  • Ask questions to better understand the Gold Leaf Challenge.
  • Clarify where to find different types of resources on the website.
  • Request a personal visit to your community.
  • Ask for help in connecting volunteers to needed work in your community.
  • Update your Gold Leaf contact information.
  • Get help with documenting your accomplishments.
  • Make suggestions for improving the program.
  • Report errors on the website and identify broken web links.
  • Contact information (phone and email) for the GreenStep staff and best practice advisors.