Wastewater Treatment Virtual Trainings - 8/20-10/15

During the first session, presenters will orient participants to the Better Plants program and share success stories from WRRFs who have taken energy management to the next level. Participants will also learn about process energy conservation, how to complete basic energy calculations, and discuss energy efficiency opportunities in W3 systems.

The Better Plants program will deliver virtual INPLTs for wastewater treatment systems (Wastewater VTs) from August 20 to October 15, 2024. The Wastewater VTs will be performed online by wastewater experts and energy efficiency experts. The Wastewater VTs comprise eight (8) 2.5-hour online training sessions (2-hours formal training and optional 30 mins Q&A) that will be delivered every Tuesday 9:00 AM–11:30 PM CT. Participating in the training is free and open to all US Manufacturers and wastewater treatment organizations. Wastewater system engineers, managers, and operators are invited to attend. Free to attend.