Resilient Communities Project - Apply by 4/15

The Resilient Communities Project (RCP) is accepting applications for 2025-2026 partnerships that advance community sustainability, equity, and resilience. The deadline for proposals is April 15 for partnerships to begin fall academic term (September to December 2025). 

RCP partners with local government agencies to build resilience and spark positive change through the power of university research. Each year, we support projects that address a broad range of local issues and needs, involving any department or division in your agency, by:

  • providing applied research and technical assistance from graduate and professional students and faculty at the University of Minnesota
  • generating new ideas and perspectives on a challenging problem or issue
  • bringing community voices and knowledge to the conversation

Who Is Eligible

  • Counties, cities, tribal public entities, special districts (e.g., watershed, transit, park, school), and regional government agencies or collaboratives anywhere in Minnesota are eligible to apply.
  • Municipalities and counties within the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Council are eligible for matching funds from the Council for selected projects that implement elements of a locally adopted 2040 comprehensive plan.
  • Nonprofit, neighborhood, and community organizations are not eligible for RCP, but may seek assistance from CURA's Community Programs.

Program Cost

RCP partners provide dedicated staff time and a local financial contribution. For the 2025–2026 academic year, costs are as follows:

  • $8,000 per project for partnerships involving 3–5 projects (at this time, RCP is not accepting partnerships with fewer than 3 projects)
  • $7,000 per project for partnerships involving 6 or more projects
  • For projects that are selected for Metropolitan Council matching funds, the fee is $4,000 per project

Deadline for Proposals

Proposals must be submitted by April 15, 2025 for partnerships to begin fall academic term (September to December 2025)