Implementation Grants for Stormwater Resilience - Due 2/27

The MPCA is soliciting project proposals to distribute $35 million to communities for projects to prepare local stormwater infrastructure for the impacts of climate change. These projects are specifically meant to address water quantity and prevent localized flooding. Project examples include the construction of:  

  • Storage
    • Stormwater retention/detention ponds
    • Smart stormwater ponds
    • Storage and reuse
    • Multi-use storage that provides community amenities when not flooded  
  • Infiltration  
    • Raingardens  
    • Infiltration basin
    • Other bioretention features
  • Conveyance system improvements
    • Larger pipes without negative downstream impacts
    • Above-ground street drainage improvements
  • Impervious surface reduction
  • Treatment train approaches to slow and reduce volume

As Minnesota’s climate continues to warm, extreme storms have pushed aging and undersized stormwater systems in communities across the state to the breaking point. Over the last 20 years, Minnesota has experienced 10 “mega-rain” events, when at least six inches of rain falls over an area of at least 1,000 square miles. Today more than 155,000 homes and apartment buildings, 29,000 miles of roads, and 13,000 commercial buildings in Minnesota are at risk of severe flooding. 

Applications are due no later than 4 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025.


Tribal nations and local governmental units (LGUs) that are located within the geographic boundaries of the state of Minnesota are eligible applicants. LGUs include cities, counties, towns (townships), soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs), water management organizations (WMOs), watershed districts (WDs), regional development commissions (RDCs), and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs). 

Questions and answers

MPCA employees cannot legally answer questions about this grant opportunity. Please submit questions about this grant to with the subject line “Implementation Grants for Stormwater Resilience” no later than 4 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 21, 2025.