You are invited: GreenStep program participants and partners are invited to attend an informal, virtual coffee break. Conversations will cover a focused set of opportunities for financial assistance and technical assistance in energy efficiency and sustainability.
The first two cups of coffee (topics) on January 09 are:
- Funding for local projects, local capacity grants and the State Competitiveness Fund
- Solar on public buildings
Followed by updates on the following on February 06:
- Geothermal planning grants
- Energy efficiency and conservation block grants
How it works: these informal conversations allow you to sample information on two topics (brief presentations < 5 minutes) with your comments, questions, on-line chat and conversation for no more than 30 minutes. Sessions will be recorded for anytime viewing. Pre-registration is not required. Show up and participate if you can.
To attend: click here for Jan 09 and click here for Feb 06, both meetings are on Microsoft Teams.
Virtual coffee break content provided by the Division of Energy Resources at the MN Dept of Commerce. For questions, contact Brian Strub, MN Commerce/Energy Division at 651.539.1464