This program exists to encourage the maintenance and development of motorized, non-motorized, and diversified trails by providing funding assistance.
Eligible/Ineligible projects & activities
Motorized and non-motorized trail projects; maintenance/restoration of existing recreational trails; development/ rehabilitation of recreational trail linkages, including trail side and trail head facilities; environmental awareness and safety education programs relating to the use of recreational trails; and redesign/relocation of trails to benefit/minimize the impact to the natural environment.
Condemnation, trail construction in federally designated wilderness areas, and facilitating motorized trail use on trails predominantly used by non-motorized users prior to May 1, 1991.
Who may apply
All projects must be sponsored by a unit of government, preferably in cooperation with a local trail organization.
The Minnesota Recreational Trail Users Association annually prioritizes funding categories prior to the solicitation process. Projects that involve urban youth corps workers such as the Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa opens in a new browser tab (CCMI) will be given special consideration. (CCMI fact sheet (PDF).)
Level of assistance
A 25% cash or in-kind match for eligible elements of the project proposal is required. Costs must be incurred and paid for before reimbursement. Neither this funding source nor the cash match may be used to meet existing payroll; only contract services, materials and supplies are reimbursable. Federal funds can in some cases be used as match for this program.
The minimum grant request is $2,500, and the maximum trail grant award is $200,000. Maximum request per equipment grant is $75,000. Equipment grant requests also require a 25% secured match.
How to apply
The completed application is due February 28, 2025.