Federal Loan Guarantees for Tribal Energy Development Projects - Due 8/31, 2028

U.S. DOE's Tribal energy financing is available to eligible Indian Tribes or entities for a broad range of projects and activities for the development of energy resources, products, and services that utilize commercial technology. DOE will evaluate applications in two phases. In Part I the project will be reviewed to determine eligibility and readiness to proceed. Part II will review the project to evaluate reasonable prospect of repayment. Eligible projects include (but not limited to):

  • Electricity generation, transmission and/or distribution facilities, utilizing renewable or conventional energy sources
  • Energy storage facilities, whether or not integrated with any of the above
  • Energy resource extraction, refining or processing facilities
  • Energy transportation facilities, including pipelines
  • District heating and cooling facilities
  • Cogeneration facilities
  • Distributed energy project portfolios, including portfolios of smaller distributed generation and storage facilities employed pursuant to a unified business plan