Any eligible Solar for Schools grant applicant with a project ID can proceed to submitting a Readiness Assessment during an open funding round by first downloading the grant RFP and associated reference documents which detail the full application requirements. Readiness Assessments must be submitted online through the Department of Commerce’s Grant Interface Website (GIW).
The intent of the Readiness Assessments is used to demonstrate a school’s readiness to seek proposals from developers for the purchase and installation of a solar photovoltaic (PV) system. This step encourages schools to conduct basic background research and initial solar exploration steps. Schools will need to have been in contact with their electric utility, explored potential installation sites, identified roadblocks, begun planning solar-related curriculum for students, demonstrated school support for pursuing solar, and pulled together two years of electric energy use at the identified electric meter.
Schools are also required to make a size determination prior to submitting their Readiness Assessment so the Department can effectively reserve grant funds. Changes to system sizes must be requested for in the Full Grant Application and are not guaranteed approval.