Replace city-owned parking lot/ramp lighting with Dark-Sky compliant, energy efficient, automatic dimming lighting technologies.

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Replace city-owned parking lot/ramp lighting with Dark-Sky compliant, energy efficient, automatic dimming lighting technologies.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Replace lighting in 50% of structures with Dark-Sky compliant, energy efficient lighting technologies.
2 star Replace lighting in 75% of structures with Dark-Sky compliant, energy efficient, automatic dimming (down to 10-30%) lighting technologies (on a timer or on a sensor).
3 star Replace 100% city-owned parking lot lighting with Dark-Sky compliant, energy efficient, automatic dimming lighting technologies.
  • See the U.S. Dept of Energy's Outdoor Lighting Decision Tree Tool to find parking structure lighting specifications which typically reduce energy use by 50% compared with conventional parking lot lighting.
  • See the I-35W Park and Ride Lots and Structures case study from Minneapolis.
  • Automatic lighting controls can be set to achieve reduction in light output (and thus energy use) of 30% in parking lots after midnight.
  • Use the International Dark-Sky Association Outdoor Lighting Basics guide to promote reduced/smarter outdoor lighting. See the GreenStep Dark Skies best practices for more.
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