Demonstrate that regulatory ordinances comply with the comprehensive plan including but not limited to having the zoning ordinan

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Demonstrate that regulatory ordinances comply with the comprehensive plan including but not limited to having the zoning ordinance explicitly reference the comprehensive plan as the foundational document for decision making.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Document where in the zoning code or development regulation the comprehensive plan is referenced as a foundational document or that the purpose of the code is to implement the comprehensive plan.
2 star Comprehensive plan referenced in all land use and development ordinances and regulations in addition to zoning code ordinances; zoning decisions are required to reference/be in compliance with the comp plan.
3 star Conduct an audit of ordinances; individual ordinances or ordinance sections should be introduced with a "Purposes" section that includes language such as the following: "The XXX regulations specifically implement the following goals from the Comprehensive Plan:"
  • The LMC , through its Insurance Trust, offers land use consultations, training and information to members.
  • Ordinances should be introduced with a "Purposes" section that includes language such as the following: "The XXX regulations specifically implement the following goals from the Comprehensive Plan: " Such language:
    • Grounds regulation in the community values that are expressed in a publicly developed and approved comprehensive plan
    • Provides a legal justification for regulation through clear linkage to statutorily authorized local policy
    • Provides a contextual basis for city regulation and thus clearer guidance for future planning commissions and Boards of Adjustment as they deal with variance, rezoning, and conditional use requests
    • Links sustainability goals and the work of multiple city departments with specific ordinances
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