Prominently promote mobility options: public transit; paratransit/Dial-A-Ride; cab services; rental cars; bike lanes; trails; airports.

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Prominently promote mobility options: public transit; paratransit/Dial-A-Ride; cab services; rental cars; bike lanes; trails; airports.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Page on chamber of commerce site includes links to one or more mobility services; a basic map that shows (by neighborhood if a larger city) key civic/commercial sites, best bike and pedestrian routes, and transit routes and schedules; distribute print materials in multiple languages. Report transit, and bike/walk infrastructure and incentives under BPA 12.1. Report rideshare & carpooling promotion under BPA 12.4.
2 star Page on city web site includes links to one or more mobility services;  share information to residents about discounted or low-income accommodation transit and rental fares for different populations (children, students, elderly, low-income).
3 star Information includes or has easy links to costs, routes, operation hours, etc.; promote interconnections among different mobility services; include location-specific alternative transportation-options information in all public meeting notices.
  • See for example Move Minnesota, St. Paul's Transportation Management Organization, that improves access and mobility for those who travel in and around St. Paul.
  • Like the food pyramid, the transportation hierarchy quickly and visually helps us all focus on the benefits of top-priority mobility modes - walking, biking and transit - while showing the others (service/freight, taxis, carpools/carsharing, single-occupant travel).
  • Find additional walk and bike-friendly resources under BPA 12.1.
  • For a wealth of ideas on how to complete this action, click on the Who's doing it section below and start with reading entries from those GreenStep cities whose completion of this action has merited a 3-star (best) rating.
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