For cities with regular transit service, require or provide incentives for the siting of higher density housing at transit/densi

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For cities with regular transit service, require or provide incentives for the siting of higher density housing at transit/density nodes.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Aim for 7 to 8 dwelling units per acre (DUA), the minimum (population) required to economically support a bus line running at least once an hour through such a neighborhood; ensure transit amenities adjacent to retail (indoor waiting areas, real-time schedule displays, etc.)
2 star Aim for 15 DUA, the minimum required to economically support a bus line providing service every 10 minutes through such a neighborhood.
3 star Establish a transit overlay district; aim for 9 and 30 DUA, the minimum required to economically support, respectively, light rail and rail service running through such a neighborhood.
  • Regular transit (as opposed to dial-a-ride service) includes fixed route service and deviated fixed-route service (where buses may stray roughly 1 mile from a fixed route): established times and stops available at least 9 hours/day, 5 days/week.
  • See also implementation tools for action 14.2
Order Number