Plan and budget for motor maintenance and upgrades to assure the most energy efficient, durable and appropriate equipment is available when upgrades or breakdowns occur.
Best Practice of this action
- See, for example, Energy Efficiency at a Small Wastewater Treatment Plant: Use of Variable Frequency Drives to Control Aeration Blowers (Illinois Sustainable Technology Center: 2013) where a 3.3 MGD plant for 5,500 residents saves $29,000/yr.
- Smaller MnTAP projects dealing with aeration motors in GreenStep cities have saved those cities between $17,000 and $66,000/year. For larger projects, the Minnesota Division of Energy Resources Guaranteed Energy Savings Program is open to cities to lock in verifiable ongoing energy savings from water/wastewater treatment plant improvements through performance contracting of deep retrofits without capital appropriations.
- The MPCA's Wastewater Infrastructure Needs Survey of June 2017 projected a 2017-2037 need for wastewater infrastructure throughout Minnesota at almost $5 billion.
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