Clarify/establish one or more responsible management entities (RMEs) for the proper design, siting, installation, operation, monitoring and maintenance of septic systems.

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Clarify/establish one or more responsible management entities (RMEs) for the proper design, siting, installation, operation, monitoring and maintenance of septic systems.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star County is the RME; city promotion of MPCA-licensed septic service providers.
2 star Management through a subordinate service district sponsored by the city.
3 star RME is the city, who monitors system conditions, requires submission of maintenance pumping records, and does compliance inspections.
  • University of MN's Onsite Sewage Treatment Program - organizational options for responsible management entities.
  • Consider local SSTS program responsibilities when deciding the responsible management entity for city septic systems. In certain situations a city may wish to grant (back) to the county authority to be the RME for septics within the city.
  • See requirements for cities and townships that choose to have a Subsurface Sewage Treatment System program.
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