Inclusive and Coordinated Decision-Making: Use a city commission or committee to lead, coordinate, report to and engage community members on the identification and equitable implementation of sustainability best practices.

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Inclusive and Coordinated Decision-Making: Use a city commission or committee to lead, coordinate, report to and engage community members on the identification and equitable implementation of sustainability best practices.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star A staff green team, or small working group (e.g., city manager, council member, citizen commission chair) exists; city participation in a multi-city/regional green team; annual news article/media to community members referencing GreenStep (& other programs as relevant); city website has a link to city's GreenStep web page and summary of sustainability initiatives. Report city Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion or Human Rights Commissions under BPA 24.7.
2 star A community group, city task force/commission or committee of city staff/officials exists to lead and coordinate sustainability/GreenStep implementation; city has a dedicated sustainability position on city staff that works with the staff and/or community green team/commission. Report annual environmental/sustainability reports to city council under BPA 24.3.
3 star A joint committee of city staff/officials and community members (business, education, religious, etc.) exists and meets regularly; community members on the committee represent the community’s racial, economic, abilities, and other diverse representation.

Forming a Green Team:

  • The GreenStep BPA 24.1 Resource Guide provides information on committee structures & membership, roles & tasks, and tips for creating & maintaining successful committees. 
  • Find examples of green teams and commissions across Minnesota on the Minnesota Sustainability Index.
  • Tim Sandry, first chair of the City of Bloomington Sustainability Commission shares a PowerPoint on commission formation and lessons learned.
  • The Sustainability Planning Toolkit (ICLEI, 2009) provides information on “Forming a Team” (starting on pg. 17) for developing a Sustainability Plan but it is also useful for a GreenStep Green Team.
  • The University of Minnesota Morris and the surrounding community created the “MN Morris Model” to work on sustainability, resilience, and climate change.

Green Team Work Plans & Activities: 

Sustainability Coordinators: 

  • Cities interested in using a college student intern to assist with one or more tasks - joining the GreenStep program, creating a green team, reporting on GreenStep actions completed, and working on new actions - should approach their local educational institution and use the GreenStep Intern Manual. Cities that need help in connecting with a local post-secondary school should contact their regional CERTs director. Some cities have worked with a local high school, whose students often can assist a city under a school-required service learning agreement.
  • The MN Association for Volunteer Administration has trainings and other resources to help a city engage citizens through the use of volunteers.
  • The Blandin Community Leadership Program trains leaders from rural Minnesota communities. 

Diversity & Equity: 

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