Communicating Progress on Goals: Organize goals/outcome measures from all city plans (social, environmental, economic) and report to community members data that show progress toward meeting these goals.

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Communicating Progress on Goals: Organize goals/outcome measures from all city plans (social, environmental, economic) and report to community members data that show progress toward meeting these goals.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Report goals/outcomes annually from plans such as comprehensive, parks, library, housing, stormwater, drinking water, transportation, economic development, energy, sustainability; Issue a city Performance Management Report.
2 star Achieve 1 Star rating AND identify specific steps from city departments on how to improve performance or meet goals that were not met in the previous year and incorporate them into the city's updated annual sustainability work plan. 
3 star Integrate goals/outcomes reporting explicitly into the city capital improvement planning process, identifying how public dollars are targeted to meeting sustainability goals in the plans.
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