Lower the environmental and health risk footprint of a brownfield remediation/redevelopment project beyond regulatory requirements; report brightfield projects

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Lower the environmental and health risk footprint of a brownfield remediation/redevelopment project beyond regulatory requirements; report brightfield projects.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Document steps beyond regulatory requirements to remediate a brownfield, using MPCA/other best practices;  use compost amendment to remediate soil and promote plant growth.
2 star Document how the redeveloped parcel has created jobs; is redeveloped as a mixed-use site.
3 star Document the "green" nature of businesses locating on the redeveloped parcel; add renewable energy generation capacity on a brownfield; finalist/winner of MN Brownfield's Rescape award. Note if a land bank was used for site acquisition/parcel assembly and redevelopment.

Getting Started: 

  • Do you have brownfield sites? Search for contaminated properties by location, type of contamination, or project/business name in the MPCA's What's in my neighborhood interactive tool.
  • Not sure what to do with your brownfield site and looking for one-on-one technical assistance? The Kansas State University Technical Assistance to Brownfields (KSU TAB) program is available to provide free services to communities and tribes, working closely with federal and state agencies. KSU TAB provides services across the EPA Region 5. 
  • Creating Community-Based Brownfield Redevelopment Strategies (American Planning Association: 2010) aims to help residents actively and effectively participate in brownfield site redevelopment and understand how different development strategies can benefit their communities.

Investigation, Cleanup, and Redevelopment:

  • The MPCA Brownfield Program is a fee-for-service program that provides technical assistance on site investigation, cleanup, and redevelopment of property contaminated with petroleum and hazardous substances. Grant money is also available.
  • See Minnesota Brownfields for a definitive resource guide, case studies, research on multiple benefits of brownfield clean-ups, a fund-finding tool, a MN Dept. of Health Brownfield Public Health Indicator Tool, and an excellent e-newsletter announcing upcoming grant and loan application deadlines.
  • See Brownfield success stories across Minnesota.
  • Find sustainable brownfield resources from the Northeast-Midwest Institute.
  • See compost amendment resources under BPA 17.5


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