Facilitate creation of home/community gardens, chicken & bee keeping, and incorporation of food growing areas/access in multifamily and residential developments.

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Facilitate creation of home/community gardens, chicken & bee keeping, and incorporation of food growing areas/access in multifamily and residential developments.

Best Practice of this action
Rating Guideline
1 star Remove restrictions to food gardening/raising of chickens/bees in residential areas. Report beehives on city property under BPA 18.5.
2 star Proactively zone for & allow by right food gardening/raising of chickens/bees; report one or more developments that have dedicated, permanent and managed growing space, such as resident garden space, and/or related facilities (such as greenhouses). Report adopted city guidelines that prevent the restriction of food production through homeowner (HOA) agreements (CC&Rs) under BPA 3.5.
3 star Work with a rental building owner to establish a community garden, farmer's market or CSA/food buying club drop-point within 1/2 mile; establish tax incentives to use vacant lots for urban agriculture.
  • Gardens: 
    • The Univ. of MN Extension Service has gardening resources for backyard gardeners.
    • Backyard gardening can be promoted by efforts like the Harvest Moon Backyard Farmers business that works with residents to plant, maintain and harvest backyard gardens.
    • See how developers at the Cornerstone Group brought an urban farm plot for the Rivertown Commons apartment complex in St. Paul.
    • Using flat roof space is one strategy for producing local food on multifamily residential buildings (and on commercial buildings and unused top-levels of parking ramps). Find ideas on growing edible plants on green roofs.
  • Chickens: 
    • Some cities may wish to embrace the self-sufficiency culture of keeping chickens that the USDA promoted in 1918. For example, in March 2012 the La Prairie, MN Zoning Committee held a public meeting, studied the raising of chickens and recommended to the city council a chicken ordinance, which was adopted.
  • Bees: 
  • Food Access: 
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