Getting Started with the Gold Leaf Challenge

How to Join the Gold Leaf Challenge: 

  1. Review the Gold Leaf Welcome Guide for information about the challenge. 
  2. Contact GreenStep staff ( with any questions about the Challenge, if needed. 
  3. Let us know you want to join the Challenge by filling out this form
  4. If necessary, get the approval of your council or other governing body. We do not require you to have a formal resolution. If needed, there is a sample resolution available.

Getting Started: 

  1. Join the Challenge.
  2. Ensure your community has a Green Team that aligns with Gold Leaf action CC1. 
  3. Fill out the (optional) workplan we sent you with your welcome email or organize yourself to figure out which Gold Leaf actions you want to accomplish this year (and down the road).
  4. Figure out which “Integrated Goals” align with the Gold Leaf actions you have identified. 
  5. Take actions and meet goals!  
  6. Stuck? 
  7. Report your Gold Leaf actions and goals at any time. Awards are based on the the calendar year, so the last date to report actions for a year would be December 31. 
  8. Receive awards for your hard work! Awards will be shared early in the following year. 

Gold Leaf Challenge History

In its 2020 Strategic Plan, the GreenStep Cities steering committee outlined several visions and goals for the future of the program, as recommended by GreenStep participant feedback. One high priority identified by the GreenStep partners and participants identified climate response. The Gold Leaf Challenge program started development in 2022, launching in February of 2024. Learn more about the background, process, pilot program, and more in the Gold Leaf Challenge Development Report.

Join the Gold Leaf Challenge fill out the form

Gold Leaf Challenge Welcome Guide