Adopt a complete streets policy, or a living streets policy, which addresses landscaping and stormwater.
Adopt a complete streets policy, or a living streets policy, which addresses landscaping and stormwater.
Adopt a complete streets policy, or a living streets policy, which addresses landscaping and stormwater.
Plan for reuse of large-format retail buildings, or work with a local school, church or commercial building to either add-on space or repurpose space into new uses.
Use 21st century ecodistrict tools to structure, guide and link multiple green and sustainable projects together in a mixed-use neighborhood/development, or innovation district, aiming to deliver superior social, environmental and economic outcomes.
Implement IT efforts and city employee engagement to reduce plug loads, building energy use and workflow efficiency.
Purchase energy used by city government - via the municipal utility, green tags, community solar garden, 3rd party - with a higher renewable percentage than required by Minnesota law.
Promote financing and incentive programs, such as PACE, for clean energy:
Install a public sector/municipally-owned renewable energy technology, such as solar electric (PV), wind, biomass, solar hot water/air, or micro-hydro.
Support a community solar garden or help community members participate in a community solar project by:
Promote resident/business purchases and/or generation of clean energy by:
Adopt wind energy and/or biomass ordinances that allow, enable, or encourage appropriate renewable energy installations.