Improve the operations & maintenance of city-owned/school buildings and leased buildings by using a customized online energy eff

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Improve the operations & maintenance of city-owned/school buildings and leased buildings by using a customized online energy efficiency tool, asset management tool, green building framework or green lease.

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1 star

Customize the B3 Energy-Efficient Operations Manual (an online tool) for one city-owned/school building to implement routine updates and verification of lighting schedules, air handler unit schedules, and air handler mixed air temperatures. Report use of the Manual for park buildings under BPA 18.7.

2 star

Complete 1 Star criteria for two buildings and report energy savings by calculating changes in run times or tracking improvements compared to a baseline in the B3 Benchmarking Database; report the use of an asset management tool and what level of life-cycle assessment is included (e.g., GHG, toxics, etc.); report green lease elements. Report green lease elements. Report green building/lease examples based on location under BPA 8.2

3 star

Complete 2 Star criteria for all city-owned/school buildings able to use the Manual; OR complete the performance period and certify at least one building at gold-equivalent or better under a green building framework (such as the LEED O+M rating system) for existing buildings operations.


Efficient Operations Management Tools:  

Green Building Frameworks and Leases: 

  • See the Getting to Zero Local Governments Toolkit for resources on getting on a path to zero energy and carbon in their own buildings.
  • Negotiated green leases offer a way for the city and the owner of a building to be leased by the city to improve the sustainability of the building. MN State Agency building leases include several provisions designed to reduce the environmental impacts of government operations and the sample language for green lease elements, useful for cities to consider, includes electric vehicle charging stations, indoor bike storage/showers, management practices that protect health (e.g., cleaning products/practices) and conserve natural resources, utility data reports, energy and water conservation, sustainable building guidelines, recycling, construction & demolition recycling, drinking water stations, green infrastructure (for storm water & ecology management), winter salting.
  • See BPA 8.2 for more on locating or leasing a property adjacent to an existing employment or residential center; designed to facilitate and encourage access by walking, biking, or other non-vehicle travel modes; accessible by regular transit service. 
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