Best Practice Action 8.2
GreenStep City Best Practices: Land Use
Mixed Uses No. 8
Develop efficient land patterns that generate community health and wealth.
Develop efficient land patterns that generate community health and wealth.
Locate or lease a property for use as a school, city building or other government facility that has at least two of these attributes:
a. Adjacent to an existing employment or residential center.
b. Designed to facilitate and encourage access by walking, biking, or other non-vehicle travel modes.
c. Accessible by regular transit service.
Explain which attributes are met; note if EV charging is publicly available. Report green building frameworks and leases under BPA 1.6. | |
Parking spaces are significantly below the parking standard due to bike/pedestrian/transit access, shared parking, and/or municipal lot. | |
A public school is located along a public transit line and provides incentives (such as discounted bus passes) for students to use the available transit lines. |
Brian Ross, Vice President - Renewable Energy, Great Plains Institute: 612/767-7296,,