Phase in bike, e-bike, foot or horseback modes for police, inspectors and other city staff.
Phase in bike, e-bike, foot or horseback modes for police, inspectors and other city staff.
Phase in bike, e-bike, foot or horseback modes for police, inspectors and other city staff.
Adopt and publicly report on measurable surface water improvement targets for lake, river, wetland and ditches.
Publicize, promote and use the varied businesses/services collecting and marketing used, repaired and rental consumer goods, especially electronics, in the city/county.
Adopt climate mitigation and/or energy independence goals and objectives in the comprehensive plan or in a separate policy document, and include transportation recommendations such as becoming an EV-ready city.
Complete the GreenStep Municipal Stormwater Management Assessment.
Measuring Outcomes: Engage community members and partners in identifying, measuring, and repor
Use national green standards/guidelines for purchasing/investments such as cleaning products, furniture, flooring/coatings.
Efficiently use your existing fleet of city vehicles by encouraging trip bundling, video conferencing, carpooling, vehicle sharing and incentives/technology.
Conduct an Active Living campaign such as a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program.