Achieve higher density housing through at least two of the following strategies:
Achieve higher density housing through at least two of the following strategies:
Actions that directly or indirectly improve air quality in your community
Achieve higher density housing through at least two of the following strategies:
Budget for and achieve resilient urban canopy/tree planting goals.
Build community capacity to protect existing trees by one or more of:
Improve city operations and procurement to prevent and reuse, recycle and compost waste from all public facilities (including libraries, parks, schools, municipal health care facilities), and minimize use of toxics and generation of hazardous waste.
Include requirements in comprehensive and/or other plans for intergovernmental coordination addressing regional land use and watershed / wellhead impacts, infrastructure, transportation, economic development and city/regional services.
Arrange for a residential and/or business/institutional source-separated organics collection/management program.
Improve/organize residential trash, recycling and organics collection by private and/or public operations and offer significant volume-based pricing on residential garbage and/or incentives for recycling.
Improve recycling services and expand to multi-unit housing and commercial businesses.
Adopt best practices for urban tree planting/quality; require them in private developments and/or use them in at least one development project.
Customize a model sustainable building renovation policy that includes the SB 2030 energy standard and adopt the language to govern private renovation projects that: