Create a program to finance septic system upgrades.
Create a program to finance septic system upgrades.
Create a program to finance septic system upgrades.
Use a community process to address failing septic systems.
Work with homeowners and businesses in environmentally sensitive areas and areas where standard septic systems are not the least-cost option to promote innovative waste water systems, including central sewer extensions.
Modify a street in compliance with the city's complete streets policy.
Adopt and implement guidelines or design standards/incentives for at least one of the following stormwater infiltration/reuse practices:
Adopt by ordinance one or more of the following stormwater infiltration/management strategies to reduce impervious surface:
For cities outside or on the fringe of metropolitan areas, conduct a build-out analysis, fiscal impact study, or adopt an urban growth boundary and a consistent capital improvement plan that provides long-term protection of natural resources and natural systems, and agricultural practices outside the boundary.
Establish an on-going budget and program for decreasing inflow and infiltration into sewer lines and losses in drinking water systems.
Create park/city land management standards/practices that maximize at least one of the following:
Create a stormwater utility that uses variable fees to incentivize stormwater infiltration, minimize the volume of and pollutants in runoff, and educate property owne