Minnesota Main Streets, a program of Rethos, is Minnesota's coordinating program to help create and assist local Main Street programs based on the national model. See also (Re)Building Downtown: A Guidebook for Revitalization (Smart Growth America: 2015) for local elected officials who want to re-invigorate and strengthen neighborhood centers of economy, culture, and history through a 7-point smart growth approach to development.
The Guide to Greening your District (Iowa Department of Economic Development / Main Street Iowa: 2010) provides information on green approaches to building or re-constructing public spaces and buildings within historic commercial districts, including streets, sidewalks, alleys, and parks to provide a wide range of benefits. Topics covered include infiltration-based rainwater approaches, green infrastructure, and the project planning process.
Creating Energy Efficient Main Streets Guide (Main Street Iowa: 2011) focuses on energy efficient design approaches and techniques to historic commercial building rehabilitation.
For cities with traditional downtown areas, describe city involvement in Minnesota Main Street revitalization and preservation (for example, attend trainings) or describe the participation of business assocations that join Minnesota Main Street as Associate Members.
Main street assistance explicitly addresses green building practices including appropriate rehab of existing buildings, OR city becomes an Associate Member of Minnesota Main Street.
City is a Designated Main Street community of MN Main Street.
Who's doing it
Northfield - 3 star
Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2018
Implementation details:
The City of Northfield is a Designated Minnesota Main Street Community. The City contracts the work for this through the Northfield Downtown Development Corporation.
Downtown Shakopee is an accredited Main Street Program through the Shakopee Chamber & Visitors Bureau. They are a collaborative, community-wide effort to revitalize our downtown district.
The Willmar Design Center is addressing projects such as the expansion of Becker Market, opening Litchfield Avenue to through traffic, extending the Glacial Lakes State Trail to downtown Willmars Selvig Park and the feasibility of building a downtown parking ramp for patients and visitors to Rice Memorial Hospital.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Becker Market is a downtown farmers market. Downdown walking routes are marked.
With the help of our economic development team, the River's Edge Business Association joined Minnesota Main Street as an associate member on July 7th, 2010. The River's Edge Business Association is an organization formed by the business owners in Elk River's downtown district.
The City of Mankato is a member of the City Center Partnership, which maintains membership with Main Street. The City of Mankato Heritage Preservation Commission hosted Emily Northey of Minnesota Main Street as part of Preservation Month in May of 2011 to present and discuss Minnesota Main Street with interested residents and business owners. The Heritage Preservation Commission is currently coordinating with the City Center Partnership in planning a full-day workshop regarding Minnesota Main Street and its practices and benefits for May of 2012.
The City of Lake City is committed to revitalizing its commercial areas by implementing the Minnesota Main Street model for economic development and downtown revitalization. This model focuses on preserving historic buildings, enhancing the pedestrian experience, and supporting local businesses to create vibrant, attractive, and economically resilient commercial districts.
In the city of Maplewood lies the Gladstone area, which, historically, was the main downtown zone of Maplewood. Recently, the city has been rezoning and redeveloping the area to promote new growth within the area. The city has included sustainable planning regarding transportation and density within the developing zone. The Gladstone Redevelopment Area is generally described as the area surrounding Frost Avenue from Highway 61 to Hazelwood Street.
As an outcome of its 2004 Market Based Downtown Plan, Rochester established a tax abatement district funding the Rochester Downtown Alliance. The RDA has sponsored district-wide entertainment events and marketing, a façade improvement program, and design guidelines for redevelopment projects. The Executive Director has been a participant in the Downtown Master Plan development and in its implementation. Since nearly all downtown development is incentive development, green building practices are attended to.
The St. Cloud Downtown Council is an associate member of the Minnesota Main Street association. The St. Cloud Downtown Council (DTC) strives to build a dynamic urban center valued at the heart of the region. The DTC is committed to effectively serving its members, and dedicated to the development and promotion of a strong, economically healthy and exciting Downtown. The Downtown Council is dedicated to promoting the downtown area, building a neighborhood downtown, and advocating the interests of local businesses and property owners. Among other things, the Downtown Council provides these services for the downtown businesses:
Marketing and Promotion Services to enhance the image of Downtown St. Cloud by emphasizing the variety of services, events and amenities available, and by encouraging the public to live, work, play and visit downtown.
Parking and Transportation Services to provide the public with information about parking and public transportation while coordinating with the City and other organizations to develop efficient access to downtown for visitors, residents and employees.
Cleaning, Safety, and Beautification Services to enhance public perception about downtown, to provide hospitality resources, and to beautify the public space through landscape and streetscape improvements.
Advocacy Services to speak as a voice for downtown businesses, property owners, and other stakeholders on issues of importance to the future Downtown St. Cloud.
White Bear Lake has a traditional downtown area. The City established a Special Service District in downtown White Bear Lake in 1992. A portion of the Special Service District funds are allocated to a program for property owners within the district, called Downtown White Bear Lake. Downtown White Bear Lake is a non-profit organization formed to serve the promotion and development needs of this special service district, aimed at revitalizing the community’s commercial core. Membership is voluntary and its members are committed to promotional efforts and special event coordination. The organization also strives to improve the quality and diversity of business by encouraging a wide variety of economic, cultural and recreational opportunities. Downtown White Bear Lake seeks to generate excitement and activity while building a strong business image through a combined effort from businesses, services and community residents now and in the future.
The City promotes Downtown White Bear Lake by providing a link on the official city website, and also participates in a 50/50 cost share to fund a promotional banner program in the downtown area.
The City also established a Revolving Loan Grant Program (RLGP) aimed at improving the utility and appearance of downtown businesses while encouraging the leveraging of private investment which would otherwise not occur. The program provides front-end financing for small loans at below market interest rates for up to a 10-year term.
The White Bear Lake RLGP established a public/private partnership where an initial $150,000 public loan/grant pool was made available by the White Bear Lake Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the “HRA”) to assist downtown businesses to make eligible physical improvements. The program is designed to address redevelopment needs in the City’s redevelopment project area. Although the White Bear Lake RLGP is targeted toward downtown businesses, all existing businesses within the City’s project area (see attached boundary map) are eligible to participate in the loan program.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
A link to Downtown White Bear Lake can be found on the city's official website, under the Community Links section.
A link to the official City ordinance that established the Special Service district can be found on the City's official website, in the Municipal Code, within Article V.