Minnesota Model Ordinances for Sustainable Development - Agriculture and Forest Protection District, Local Food Production District, Performance Standards for Minor and Major Agricultural Retail (MPCA, 2009)
See BPA 25.5 for a guide to urban agriculture on remediated brownfield sites
American Farmland Trust has resources on smart solar siting for local governments that balances renewable energy development with agriculture
Local Food Production:
Municipal Zoning for Local Foods in Iowa: A Guidebook for Reducing Local Regulatory Barriers to Local Foods (Iowa State University Extension, 2015) has examples from around the country
Emerging Farmers include “women, veterans, persons with disabilities, American Indian or Alaskan Natives, members of a community of color, young, and urban.” The State of Minnesota created the Emerging Farmers Working Group in 2020
Resources about land access including lease agreements and legal fact sheets (Cornell, 2011)
Identify priority agricultural resources within and surrounding the city; adopt land use ordinances that encourage compact development and limit sprawl into agricultural land; incentivize dual-use solar or agrivoltaics; provide. Report density and infill projects under BP 7; adoption of urban growth boundary under BPA 10.2.
Create at least one permanent agriculture or forest district; work with a private landowner to provide land access for incubator farmers and/or emerging farmers; create a transfer of development rights (TDR) program for protecting priority agricultural land; require solar development on the built environment, brownfields, or marginal agricultural land, before siting solar projects on productive farmland. Report solar ordinances under BPA 26.7.
Lease city land in 5-year terms or longer to community gardens, urban farms, or incubator farms for emerging farmers; require mitigation for solar that displaces farming from productive agricultural land. Report promotion of public food production/distribution under BPA 27.3.
Who's doing it
Cottage Grove - 2 star
Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
An agricultural preservation district was created to protect productive agricultural capability, promote, maintain and enhance the use of the land for long-term agricultural purposes and to protect land from encroachment by the premature conversion to nonagricultural uses.
Duluth's Unified Development Code (UDC) section 50-19.8 permits agriculture of some sort in several zone districts, including all residential zone districts.
Farmington has large amounts of farmland and recognizes the importance of smart growth when it comes to development pressures. The city has an agricultural zoning district that is intended to preserve the City's agricultural uses in order to protect farms, to maintain the City's small town character and to create an urban reserve for such time when there is a need for additional urban development and public utilities may be extended. Large portions of farmland are also in the Met Council Agricultural Preserve program.
Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa - 2 star
Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2007
Implementation details:
Section 506 of Fond du Lac's Land Use Ordinance, #02/07, established a Natural Resource Management District "to provide for uses that allow forest production and management, agricultural farms and to provide areas managed for fish, wildlife, and other natural resources; and to sustain and enhance areas for traditional hunting, fishing, and gathering".
The City of Hugo has Agricultural and Long-term Agricultural zoning districts. The agricultural district (AG) is to provide an area for the production of livestock, dairy animals, dairy products, poultry or poultry products, fur-bearing animals, horticultural or nursery stock, fruit, vegetables, forages, grains, timber, trees, or bees and apiary products, and other uses dependent on the inherent productivity of the land. Single-family detached housing at a density of one unit per ten gross acres is also permitted. The long-term agricultural district (LA) is to allow agricultural property to be included in the state's agricultural preservation program. This property may be used for permitted agricultural activities as defined by Minn. Stats. § 473H.17, and single-family home farmsteads at a density of one per 40 gross acres.
The City of Lake Elmo has maintained a dedicated Agricultural Zoning District since incorporation of the East Oakdale Township 1969. Lake Elmo is proud of its agricultural history, and considers its rural character as an integral part of its vibrancy.
Leech Lake's land use ordinance in which agriculture and forest is protected. Leech lake has also created a local foods locator map in which member can find the nearest local food options.
The City of Mahtomedi has both a permanent agriculture and conservation zoning district. Chapter 11, Subd. 11.2 A of the Mahtomedi City Code states that the intent of the Agricultural District is to preserve said land in agricultural usage and in large parcels until such time that the land is required for urban expansion, and the capital funds for the extension of urban facilities and services becomes available. Chapter 11, Subd. 11.29 states that the intent of the conservation district is to preserve significant natural features and amenities such as lakes, wetlands, steep hills and extensive woodlands in their natural state in order to assure continuation of the existing natural drainage system, to prevent harmful erosion, to maintain ecological balance, and to assure their permanent use for their primary natural function as well as for enjoyment by the general public. One of the permitted uses for this district is "Forestry and wildlife preserve".
The City of St. Cloud adopted an Agricultural Zoning District as a part of the adopted of the Land Development Code in 2008. The purpose of the Agricultural District is to establish and preserve areas within the City for the continuation of viable agricultural operations, preserve areas unsuitable for use other than agricultural or open space, protect agricultural uses from untimely encroachment by potential conflicting urban uses, protect natural amenities, provide very low residential density and preserve the rural character of the area. The permitted and conditional uses of the district as well as the bulk and setback regulations closely mimic those set forth in the 2009 Minnesota Model Ordinances for Sustainable Development.
The City of Shakopee established an Agricultural Preservation Zone (AG) to preserve and promote agriculture in the unsewered areas of the city which are suitable for such use, to prevent scattered and leap-frog non-farm growth, and to prevent premature expenditures for such public services as roads, sewer, water, and police and fire protection. The City is also in the process of establishing a Parks Zoning District.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
The City prevented the scattered and leap-frog non-farm growth, and prevented premature expenditures for such public services as roads, sewer, water, and police and fire protection. The City is also in the process of establishing a Parks Zoning District.
The City of Stillwater adopted an ordinance for an Agricultural Preservation District. The purpose of the A-P district shall be to maintain and enhance agricultural operations and preserve agricultural lands utilized for crop production and to serve as a holding zone for lands where phased urban expansion will occur. The preservation of agricultural land is intended to prevent urban sprawl, control the public costs of providing urban services and reduce urban/rural conflicts which arise as a result of premature development of rural areas. The A-P district is further intended to preserve open space and natural resource areas.
The City of Fergus Falls has a 50+ acre conservation easement on Port Authority land. We have been a Tree City USA since 1978 and have a boulevard tree replacement policy. Lakes Country Service Cooperative in located in the City of Fergus Falls and they started a food hub program for the nine county region they serve. There is a Farmer’s Market open twice a week for local vendors to sell their food products to our residents and visitors.
The Maplewood Environmental and Natural Resources Commission conducted an urban agriculture study to review the City's ordinances and policies to remove barriers and promote urban agriculture. The study resulted in ordinance amendments which were approved by the City Council in adopted urban agriculture ordinances in 2018.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
More urban agriculture uses throughout residential properties.