Enter/update government-owned building information and monthly usage data into the MN B3 Benchmarking database, and utilize building/energy audits to identify potential improvements.
- Action 1:City Detail
Background Information
City Assessment Files and City Performance Metrics
City councils pass a resolution to join the GreenStep program and are recognized at Step 1. Step 2 and Step 3 recognition levels reflect completed city actions, reported and rated below with stars (1 star = good, 2 stars = better, 3 stars = best). The Assessment File below summarizes completed city actions in a short Word file. Step 4 recognition is awarded to cities who report a minimum number of core metrics for the previous calendar year. These metrics aim to show the aggregate, quantitative results of taking multiple GreenStep actions. Step 5 cities show improvement in the Step 4 metrics. See yearly data for Steps 4&5. Additional city data can be found by reviewing information on B3 Benchmarking and Regional Indicators Initiative.
Assessment File
Best Practice Actions Underway and Completed
Completed actions are denoted by stars.
Total completed actions: 20
Buildings and Lighting
Efficient Existing Public Buildings {BP no.1}
DeAndra Navratil (City staff) | oconn587@Umn.edu | 701-330-5226
Make no/low cost indoor lighting and operational changes in city-owned/school buildings to reduce energy costs.
- Action 2:Crookston City Hall had a contractor come through the building and update the lighting to improve the energy efficiency.
DeAndra Navratil (City staff) | oconn587@Umn.edu | 701-330-5226
Implement IT efforts and city employee engagement to reduce plug loads, building energy use and workflow efficiency.
- Action 4:The city enacts an electronic shutdown policy within city buildings. This would involve turning off computers, lamps, and other electronics over night or when otherwise not in use. By doing so, the city will decrease energy usage by preventing vampire energy. Current and future employees will be informed/reminded of this policy.
Bryanna Grefthen (Community volunteer) | greft003@crk.umn.edu | 2186868664
Building Redevelopment {BP no.5}
Plan for reuse of large-format retail buildings, or work with a local school, church or commercial building to either add-on space or repurpose space into new uses.
- Action 3:Bryanna Grefthen (Community volunteer) | greft003@crk.umn.edu | 2186868664
Land Use
Comprehensive, Climate and Energy Plans {BP no.6}
Adopt a comprehensive plan or (for Category B & C cities) adopt a future land use plan that was adopted by the county or a regional entity.
- Action 1:Within the comp plan are sections covering downtown road changes to include bike lanes and an overall pedestrian friendly atmosphere. There is also the Green Initiatives chapter involving the GreenStep program with initiatives to:
-continue to raise awareness of the value of environmental and natural resources in Crookston
-Promote the use of green building techniques and rainwater capture systems in new developments
-Evaluate the use of native prairie grass in some city parks or other areas that currently require mowing to reduce the cost of mowing and weed control
DeAndra Navratil (City staff) | oconn587@Umn.edu | 701-330-5226
Mixed Uses {BP no.8}
Locate or lease a property for use as a school, city building or other government facility that has at least two of these attributes:
- Action 2:Bryanna Grefthen (Community volunteer) | greft003@crk.umn.edu | 2186868664
Have a downtown zoning district that emphasizes small and destination business, entrepreneurial spaces, and allows or requires residential and residential-compatible commercial development.
- Action 5:being renovated to contain businesses below with apartments above.
Crookston's downtown is zoned as the Central Business District. The purpose is defined to allow retail, service, office, and entertainment facilities as well as public and semi-public uses.
DeAndra Navratil (City staff) | oconn587@Umn.edu | 701-330-5226
Living & Complete Streets {BP no.11}
Identify and remedy street-trail gaps between city streets and off-road trails/bike trails to better facilitate walking and biking.
- Action 5:Mobility Options {BP no.12}
Increase walking, biking and transit use by one or more of the following means:
- Action 1:DeAndra Navratil (City staff) | oconn587@Umn.edu | 701-330-5226
Prominently promote mobility options: public transit; paratransit/Dial-A-Ride; cab services; rental cars; bike lanes; trails; airports.
- Action 3:Bryanna Grefthen (Community volunteer) | greft003@crk.umn.edu | 2186868664
Environmental Management
Community Forests and Soils {BP no.16}
Maximize tree planting along your main downtown street or throughout the city.
- Action 4:The Crookston Parks & Recreation Department plans for a number of trees for replacement on boulevards and newly built housing on a yearly basis. The City Parks, wind breaks on new developments and some shielding on roadways entering the Community are other areas of concentration yearly as well. Trees of various sizes are purchased and planted by our crews and or by a local landscape nursery each season. The next five years, Crookston has budgeted for $14,000 to be used to plant 90-110 trees per year along the areas of interest.
Bryanna Grefthen (Community volunteer) | greft003@crk.umn.edu | 2186868664
Build community capacity to protect existing trees by one or more of:
- Action 6:DeAndra Navratil (City staff) | oconn587@Umn.edu | 701-330-5226
Parks and Trails {BP no.18}
Achieve minimum levels of city green space and maximize the percent within a ten-minute walk of community members.
- Action 3:DeAndra Navratil (City staff) | oconn587@Umn.edu | 701-330-5226
Develop a program to involve community members in hands-on land restoration, invasive species management and stewardship projects.
- Action 8:DeAndra Navratil (City staff) | oconn587@Umn.edu | 701-330-5226
Resilient Economic and Community Development
Benchmarks and Community Engagement {BP no.24}
Inclusive and Coordinated Decision-Making: Use a city commission or committee to lead, coordinate, report to and engage community members on the identification and equitable implementation of sustainability best practices.
- Action 1:Bryanna Grefthen (Community volunteer) | greft003@crk.umn.edu | 2186868664
Communicating Progress on Goals: Organize goals/outcome measures from all city plans (social, environmental, economic) and report to community members data that show progress toward meeting these goals.
- Action 2:Bryanna Grefthen (Community volunteer) | greft003@crk.umn.edu | 2186868664
Planning with a Purpose: Conduct a community visioning and planning initiative that engages a diverse set of community members & stakeholders and uses a sustainability, resilience, or environmental justice framework such as:
- Action 5:The Trails, River, & Active Living Group took their meeting outside and cleared trails for easier access to the community.
DeAndra Navratil (City staff) | oconn587@Umn.edu | 701-330-5226
Green Business Development {BP no.25}
Grow new/emerging green businesses and green jobs through targeted assistance and new workforce development.
- Action 1:DeAndra Navratil (City staff) | oconn587@Umn.edu | 701-330-5226
Local Food {BP no.27}
Create, assist with and promote local food production/distribution within the city:
- Action 3:B) Crookston is home to at least one community- supported agriculture, Whitetail Gardens, which launched in 2011.
The Farmer to Plate program has been running since 2012 and connects farmers in our area to the food services in Crookston schools. There are currently 3 farmers that participate in this program.
C) The City of Crookston will be breaking ground on Riverside Community Garden in May 2015. This community garden is on city land on a city block that was cleared due to flood regulations. This space will now be filled with 8 raised beds, 2 wheelchair accessible beds, a butterfly garden, a berry patch, melon patch, sunflower and corn patch, as well as perennial gardens.
There are several school gardens located throughout the city. The University of Minnesota Crookston has a ¼ acre plot on city land that goes directly to campus food services.
One of the public schools also have a hoop house and garden. Through an after school program, children get to have hands on experiences with the garden while growing food.
DeAndra Navratil (City staff) | oconn587@Umn.edu | 701-330-5226
Climate Adaptation and Community Resilience {BP no.29}
Prepare to maintain public health and safety during extreme weather and climate-change-related events, while also taking a preventive approach to reduce risk for community members.
- Action 1:DeAndra Navratil (City staff) | oconn587@Umn.edu | 701-330-5226