Make no/low cost indoor lighting and operational changes in city-owned/school buildings to reduce energy costs.
- Action 2:City Detail
Background Information
City Assessment Files and City Performance Metrics
City councils pass a resolution to join the GreenStep program and are recognized at Step 1. Step 2 and Step 3 recognition levels reflect completed city actions, reported and rated below with stars (1 star = good, 2 stars = better, 3 stars = best). The Assessment File below summarizes completed city actions in a short Word file. Step 4 recognition is awarded to cities who report a minimum number of core metrics for the previous calendar year. These metrics aim to show the aggregate, quantitative results of taking multiple GreenStep actions. Step 5 cities show improvement in the Step 4 metrics. See yearly data for Steps 4&5. Additional city data can be found by reviewing information on B3 Benchmarking and Regional Indicators Initiative.
Assessment File
Best Practice Actions Underway and Completed
Completed actions are denoted by stars.
Total completed actions: 17
Buildings and Lighting
Efficient Existing Public Buildings {BP no.1}
Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115
Document that the new construction or major remodeling of a public building has met the SB 2030 energy standard or has met or qualified under a green building or energy framework.
- Action 5:Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115
Efficient Outdoor Lighting and Signals {BP no.4}
Coordinate traffic signals and/or optimize signal timing to minimize car idling at intersections yet maintain safe and publicly acceptable vehicle speeds.
- Action 4:Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115
Use LED/solar-powered lighting for a flashing sign or in a street, parking lot or park project.
- Action 5:Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115
Land Use
Design for Natural Resource Conservation {BP no.10}
Conduct a Natural Resource Inventory or Assessment (NRI or NRA); incorporate protection of priority natural systems or resources such as groundwater through the subdivision or development process.
- Action 1:Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115
Efficient City Fleets {BP no.13}
Efficiently use your existing fleet of city vehicles by encouraging trip bundling, video conferencing, carpooling, vehicle sharing and incentives/technology.
- Action 1:Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115
Environmental Management
Sustainable Purchasing {BP no.15}
Set minimum sustainability standards to reduce the impact of your concrete use, asphalt, roadbed aggregate, or other construction materials.
- Action 5:Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115
Lower the environmental footprint of meetings and events in the city.
- Action 7:Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115
Community Forests and Soils {BP no.16}
Budget for and achieve resilient urban canopy/tree planting goals.
- Action 3:Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115
Build community capacity to protect existing trees by one or more of:
- Action 6:Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115
Stormwater Management {BP no.17}
Adopt and implement guidelines or design standards/incentives for at least one of the following stormwater infiltration/reuse practices:
- Action 5:Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115
Septic Systems {BP no.21}
Report to landowners suspected noncompliant or failing septic systems as part of an educational, informational and financial assistance and outreach program designed to trigger voluntary landowner action to improve septic systems.
- Action 1:Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115
Create a program to finance septic system upgrades.
- Action 5:Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115
Sustainable Consumption and Waste {BP no.22}
Arrange for a residential and/or business/institutional source-separated organics collection/management program.
- Action 5:Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115
Improve/organize residential trash, recycling and organics collection by private and/or public operations and offer significant volume-based pricing on residential garbage and/or incentives for recycling.
- Action 7:Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115
Local Air Quality {BP no.23}
Decrease air emissions from vehicle idling, gasoline filling stations, business trucking, and pollutants/noise from stationary engines/back-up generators.
- Action 3:Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115
Resilient Economic and Community Development
Local Food {BP no.27}
Facilitate creation of home/community gardens, chicken & bee keeping, and incorporation of food growing areas/access in multifamily and residential developments.
- Action 2:Leya Charles (City Staff) | | 6513854115