City Detail

Background Information

City of Silver Bay
County: Lake
Population: 1867
GreenStep City category: B
Full-time equivalent city staff (approx.): 23
Participating township, county, school:

GreenStep Coordinator

Lana Fralich
City Staff
City web page relating to sustainability/GreenStep activities:
GreenStep City resolution: Click here to view the file.
GreenStep City status and date: STEP 2 ( )

City Assessment Files and City Performance Metrics

City councils pass a resolution to join the GreenStep program and are recognized at Step 1. Step 2 and Step 3 recognition levels reflect completed city actions, reported and rated below with stars (1 star = good, 2 stars = better, 3 stars = best). The Assessment File below summarizes completed city actions in a short Word file. Step 4 recognition is awarded to cities who report a minimum number of core metrics for the previous calendar year. These metrics aim to show the aggregate, quantitative results of taking multiple GreenStep actions. Step 5 cities show improvement in the Step 4 metrics. See yearly data for Steps 4&5. Additional city data can be found by reviewing information on B3 Benchmarking and Regional Indicators Initiative.

Assessment File

Best Practice Actions Underway and Completed

Completed actions are denoted by stars.

Total completed actions: 13
1 star actions: 4
2 star actions: 7
3 star actions: 1

Buildings and Lighting Buildings and Lighting

Efficient Existing Public Buildings {BP no.1}

1 star - Action 2:

Make no/low cost indoor lighting and operational changes in city-owned/school buildings to reduce energy costs.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
The Silver Bay arena lighting was converted to LED bulbs a few years ago. This switch will not only save the city money, but also be much more energy efficient.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File:
For more information contact:
Lana Fralich (City staff) | | 218-226-4408

Building Redevelopment {BP no.5}

1 star - Action 3:

Plan for reuse of large-format retail buildings, or work with a local school, church or commercial building to either add-on space or repurpose space into new uses.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
Silver Bay has converted its old school that is no longer in use into an incubator for business development. Currently the space is being used by Wilderness Family Naturals, a local company that specializes in raw and organic food products.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File:
For more information contact:
Lana Fralich (City staff) | | 218-226-4408

Land Use Land Use

Comprehensive, Climate and Energy Plans {BP no.6}

1 star - Action 1:

Adopt a comprehensive plan or (for Category B & C cities) adopt a future land use plan that was adopted by the county or a regional entity.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
Silver Bay adopted a comprehensive plan in 2007. There are also plans to update the plan this year, 2014, to accommodate for the city's sustainable future.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File:
For more information contact:
Lana Fralich (City staff) | | 218-226-4408

Mixed Uses {BP no.8}

2 star - Action 1:

Organize or participate in a community planning/placemaking/design process for the city/a mixed-use district, including specific community engagement practices that engage cultural and income diverse community members.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
Silver Bay has created a 100 acre eco-park that incorporates many economic development clusters such as energy facilities, sustainable food facilities, education, office space, retail, and tourism. Their goal for the eco-park is to network businesses to work with each other and the Silver Bay Community in order to create and diversify living wage employment by improving re- source productivity, eliminating pollution and expanding markets through renewable, sustainable energy development.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File:
For more information contact:
Lana Fralich (City staff) | | 218-226-4408
2 star - Action 6:

Incorporate form-based zoning approaches into the zoning code, in those areas where a diverse mix of uses is desired.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
Silver Bay has recently changed zoning requirements to incorporate areas that have a diverse mix of uses. This includes their 100 acre business park being changed to a mixed use eco-park.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File:
For more information contact:
Lana Fralich (City staff) | | 218-226-4408

Transportation Transportation

Mobility Options {BP no.12}

2 star - Action 1:

Increase walking, biking and transit use by one or more of the following means:

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
Silver bay is a very pedestrian-friendly city. There are many walking maps throughout the city to guide visitors and citizens as easily as possible. They have even been recognized as a "fit city."
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File:
For more information contact:
Lana Fralich (City staff) | | 218-226-4408

Environmental Management Environmental Management

Stormwater Management {BP no.17}

Not rated - Action 6:

Improve smart-salting by reducing chloride use in winter maintenance and dust suppressants to prevent permanent surfacewater and groundwater pollution.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
A comprehensive perimeter ditching project is in the works to effectively control storm water, as well as help prevent erosion and control sediments. Silver Bay is working with Lake County Soil Water team, as well as engineers who are using GIS mapping to control the storm water runoff.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File:
For more information contact:
Lana Fralich (City staff) | | 218-226-4408

Parks and Trails {BP no.18}

3 star - Action 1:

Make improvements within your city's system of parks, offroad trails and open spaces.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2012
Implementation details:
Silver Bay has installed a brand new bike trail, the Gitchi-Gami State Trail, to assist in cultivating sustainable transportation practices.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File:
For more information contact:
Lana Fralich (City staff) | | 218-226-4408

Efficient Water and Wastewater Systems {BP no.20}

2 star - Action 2:

Plan and budget for motor maintenance and upgrades to assure the most energy efficient, durable and appropriate equipment is available when upgrades or breakdowns occur.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
Old boilers in Silver Bay's water and wastewater treatment facilities have been replaced with more energy efficient boilers. They have switched from propane boilers to natural gas boilers. This change has caused huge improvements in the efficient operation of the facilities.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File:
For more information contact:
Lana Fralich (City staff) | | 218-226-4408

Sustainable Consumption and Waste {BP no.22}

1 star - Action 6:

Improve recycling services and expand to multi-unit housing and commercial businesses.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
The residents of Silver Bay have residential recycling bins that are collected and maintained by the city's local waste management team. The bins include plastic, aluminum, glass, and paper recycling. The city has also applied for a grant through Coke that would supply additional recycling bins throughout the community.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File:
For more information contact:
Lana Fralich (City staff) | | 218-226-4408

Resilient Economic & Community Development Resilient Economic and Community Development

Benchmarks and Community Engagement {BP no.24}

2 star - Action 4:

Public Education for Action: Conduct or support a broad sustainability education and action campaign, building on existing community relationships, networks & events involving:

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
Silver Bay has implemented aspects of sustainability into their elementary education curriculum. The school program has established gardens for students to learn how to grow and sell their own produce. In addition to the learning about sustainable food systems, the school also has a "forest classroom" where students learn about many aspects of environmental sustainability.
The partnership with UMD through Victus Farm has also helped Silver Bay to be involved with sustainable education on a post-secondary level.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File:
For more information contact:
Lana Fralich (City staff) | | 218-226-4408

Local Food {BP no.27}

2 star - Action 3:

Create, assist with and promote local food production/distribution within the city:

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
Victus Farm was established in 2012 to promote sustainable food systems within the community. The greenhouse is able to process and distribute locally grown and fish year around for local consumption by citizens, schools, restaurants, and other sources.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File:
For more information contact:
Lana Fralich (City staff) | | 218-226-4408

Business Synergies and EcoDistricts {BP no.28}

2 star - Action 3:

Require, build or facilitate at least four sustainability attributes in a business/industrial park project:

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2012
Implementation details:
Silver Bay is using cluster development in its eco-park that will benefit facilities and businesses both economically and environmentally. By grouping like businesses together, they will be able to share a parking lot, and surface area will be minimized. Also, food that is produced at Victus Farm may be used by neighboring restaurants.
Silver Bay has planned to construct a WARF Greenhouse Bio-fuel Energy Facility as a part of their developing eco-park.This project integrates the production of algae for bio-diesel along with agriculture and aquaculture. The bio-diesel generated from algae will be used by local industries and be another renewable energy source for not only the Greenhouse, but the entire park.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File:
For more information contact:
Lana Fralich (City staff) | | 218-226-4408