City Detail

Background Information

City of Warren
County: Marshall
Population: 1600
GreenStep City category: C
Full-time equivalent city staff (approx.): 14
Participating township, county, school:

GreenStep Coordinator

Shannon Mortenson
City Staff
City web page relating to sustainability/GreenStep activities:
GreenStep City resolution: Click here to view the file.
GreenStep City status and date: STEP 3 ( )

City Assessment Files and City Performance Metrics

City councils pass a resolution to join the GreenStep program and are recognized at Step 1. Step 2 and Step 3 recognition levels reflect completed city actions, reported and rated below with stars (1 star = good, 2 stars = better, 3 stars = best). The Assessment File below summarizes completed city actions in a short Word file. Step 4 recognition is awarded to cities who report a minimum number of core metrics for the previous calendar year. These metrics aim to show the aggregate, quantitative results of taking multiple GreenStep actions. Step 5 cities show improvement in the Step 4 metrics. See yearly data for Steps 4&5. Additional city data can be found by reviewing information on B3 Benchmarking and Regional Indicators Initiative.

Assessment File

Best Practice Actions Underway and Completed

Completed actions are denoted by stars.

Total completed actions: 35
1 star actions: 12
2 star actions: 14
3 star actions: 9

Buildings and Lighting Buildings and Lighting

Efficient Existing Public Buildings {BP no.1}

3 star - Action 1:

Enter/update government-owned building information and monthly usage data into the MN B3 Benchmarking database, and utilize building/energy audits to identify potential improvements.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2018
Implementation details:
1-Star: Building Editor was completed for each active city-owned building in B3; Andrew Boucher, the City's GreenCorps member, is responsible for routinely entering data, but there was a CERTs Seed Grant received that will allow for an automated benchmarking program. Consecutive monthly energy use data is ongoing and there are at least 12 months of consecutive energy use data for each site.

2-Star: Completed 1 Star criterion and enter 24 consecutive months of historical data; newly entered data is validated and corrected by looking at patterns/trends and inconsistencies; after the city conducts building audits and its thermal imaging project, potential opportunities for energy savings will be identified.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
3 star - Action 2:

Make no/low cost indoor lighting and operational changes in city-owned/school buildings to reduce energy costs.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2014
Implementation details:
Replace incandent lighting with LED light fixtures in old hospital building to make space usable for offices. Upgrade lighting in city library to 28 watt fixtures instead of 40 watt fixtures at time of replacement of failing fixtures.

Installed 75F building control technology in City Hall; this includes updating and customizing temperature, ventilation, and lighting schedules/setbacks. This supplements our building-wide computer and office equipment power management policies.

Marshall County replaced its boiler system with a set of high-efficiency boilers that has programmable settings and integration with the courthouse’s network system.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Replace old fixtures and improve operating costs of lighting systems in newly remodeled buildings in Warren.

City Hall can now be fine-tuned to determine the minimal cost of operating the building while keeping the comfort levels in mind; this building system also identifies service/maintenance issues and catalogs them after they’ve been addressed; this further gives us an opportunity to identify areas of additional savings.

Replace old system and improve operating costs of HVAC systems in the courthouse, introduce building controls to optimize settings.
Descriptive File: view file
City's powersavers and Franklin Energy for doing lighting audit.
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
3 star - Action 3:

Invest in larger energy efficiency projects through performance contracting or other funding or through smaller retro-commissioning/retrofit projects in city-owned/school buildings.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2014
Implementation details:
Remodeled city library with improving insulation and putting on addition. Goal to improve heating and cooling costs. Keep utilty cost the same with 40 X 40 addition in place.

Conducted a thermal imaging survey to determine energy loss in every public building to prioritize retrofit/retro-commission projects; installed building operation technology from 75F, this includes a CCU, Smartstats, occupancy sensors, etc.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Reduced then fixed the city’s library utility costs a year after installation; fixes city hall's operations and keep them on a schedule.
Descriptive File: view file
City's powersavers and Fraklin Energy for doing lighting audit; Northland Aeronautics for thermal imaging audits.
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
3 star - Action 4:

Implement IT efforts and city employee engagement to reduce plug loads, building energy use and workflow efficiency.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2015
Implementation details:
1 Star
- B3 online benchmarking application to track power usage in buildings such as (City Office/Shop-2008), (Warren Fire Hall and Warren Library-2008), (North Star Assisted Living-2015 and Manor-2012), and the Westbridge Center-2013).
-Meters that automatically record and track naturla gas, electricity, and water usage on a units/per day basis.
-Implemented a city policy to use an information technology system using outdoor temperatures to set and establish heating/cooling requirements for each building to save energy.
-Westbridge Center uses a building management system to control operating hours of the building's non-essential energy usage.

2 Star
-City of Warren uses orientation of new employees/existing employees as well as providing a suitable and adequate kitchenette in its break rooms to discourage use of personal appliances as well as implementing a shutdown policy in which all electronics are shutdown in offices/buildings.
-Custodians are scheduled to come in immediately following the end of business hours (4:30 PM) rather than bringing them in later and using more energy
-Majority of offices have task lighting as well as windows and shades that provide adequate outdoor lighting.
-Occupancy lighting installed in the break room in 2011
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
-Public policy was implemented to set standards for heating/cooling buildings
- 15 buildings using meters to record natural gas, electricity, and water usage to B3 benchmarking
-Since January 2012; City Office has been below the benchmark goal 75% (52 out of 69 months)
-Since January 2009; City Shop has been below benchmark goal 100% (105 out of 105 months)
-Since January 2009; Warren Library has been below the benchmark 49% of the time
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

New Green Buildings {BP no.3}

1 star - Action 1:

Require by city policy that new city-owned buildings be built using the SB 2030 energy standard and/or a green building framework.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
Planning was done in 2013 and construction began winter 2013 and completition in July 2014. Reducing electric usage for heating apartments from using PTack units to using mini split cold temperature heat pumps with natural gas boiler heat for floor heat in new addition.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Cheaper electric operating costs along with more energy effiecent heating and cooling for the building as a whole along with management of individual apartment thermastats from a master computer monitoring system.
Descriptive File:
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

Efficient Outdoor Lighting and Signals {BP no.4}

2 star - Action 3:

Replace the city's existing street lighting with Dark Sky-compliant LEDs, modifying any city franchise/utility agreement and adding smart grid attributes.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2017
Implementation details:
• City established a phased-in LED replacement of existing street lighting technology for city and non-city fixtures.
• Replaced 1/5 of street lighting with LED lighting; on pace to meet the 1 Star requirement by 04/2019
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
The City of Warren has an established policy to replace all streetlights with LED lighting as street project take place.
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
2 star - Action 4:

Coordinate traffic signals and/or optimize signal timing to minimize car idling at intersections yet maintain safe and publicly acceptable vehicle speeds.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
- Warren has decided to prioritize signage over signals allowing the city to meet the expectations of Action No. 4 as this has allowed the city to coordinate and synchronize the signage while optimizing timing to minimize car idling without comprising safety or legal vehicle speeds.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
- The city has kept its operating costs in regards to energy spent on transportation signals fixed.
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
3 star - Action 5:

Use LED/solar-powered lighting for a flashing sign or in a street, parking lot or park project.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2015
Implementation details:
• 1 Star – Warren uses two radar speed signs that utilize solar power via PV cells.
• 2 Star – Warren install LED lighting whenever possible to light its streets, parking lots, and park/campgrounds; ongoing construction projects including the recreation center/hockey rink as well as the city pool house will use LED lighting on its streets and in its parking lots as will any future construction projects.
* 3 Star – 2013, the City of Warren implemented a policy to routinely install LED lighting in every capacity regarding outdoor lighting.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

Land Use Land Use

Comprehensive, Climate and Energy Plans {BP no.6}

1 star - Action 1:

Adopt a comprehensive plan or (for Category B & C cities) adopt a future land use plan that was adopted by the county or a regional entity.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2014
Implementation details:
- The City of Warren adopted a comprehensive plan which includes a land use plan; inventory/analysis, goal/policy formulation, comprehensive plan development, adopting the plan, plan implementation.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
1 star - Action 3:

Include requirements in comprehensive and/or other plans for intergovernmental coordination addressing regional land use and watershed / wellhead impacts, infrastructure, transportation, economic development and city/regional services.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2014
Implementation details:
- Warren coordinated with Marshall County to avoid overlapping jurisdictions with police/fire services in return for having the latter's facilities in Warren, MN.
- Warren provides Marshall County facilities (police station and courthouse) with water and sewage services.
-Addressed potential conflicts with residential and regional economic development to best follow the practices of state and federal agencies.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
1 star - Action 4:

Include ecological provisions in the comprehensive plan that explicitly aim to minimize open space fragmentation and/or establish a growth area with expansion criteria.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2014
Implementation details:
- Warren established a growth area utilized in its 2014 comprehensive plan with expectations of limited growth by 2024.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

Resilient City Growth {BP no.7}

1 star - Action 2:

Achieve higher density housing through at least two of the following strategies:

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
Utilized city lot next to Marshall County Group Home lot for installation of geothermal heat sink to allow new group home to have lower heating and cooling costs moving forward. Building twin townhomes utilizing infrastructure more effiecently,
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Lower heating and cooling costs for hot water, heat and cooling of the Marshall County Group home moving forward. Good use of existing non buildable lot owned by city for putting in Geothermal heat sink. Better use of land and infrastructure in developing twin homes.
Descriptive File:
City of Warren EDA/Private developers
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

Mixed Uses {BP no.8}

2 star - Action 2:

Locate or lease a property for use as a school, city building or other government facility that has at least two of these attributes:

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2014
Implementation details:
1 Star
- Both elementary and secondary schools are on the same block as city hall, the Marshall County courthouse, and the Marshall County police station all of which have sidewalks for pedestrians and paths for bicyclists.

2 Star
- Fewer parking spaces in relation to parking standards due to shared parking between the schools
-Municipal lots for the courthouse and police station
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

Transportation Transportation

Efficient City Fleets {BP no.13}

1 star - Action 1:

Efficiently use your existing fleet of city vehicles by encouraging trip bundling, video conferencing, carpooling, vehicle sharing and incentives/technology.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2011
Implementation details:
1 Star
- Warren schedules its employees for training/conferences in a way that at least two individuals are traveling together to reduce operating costs of vehicles.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

Environmental Management Environmental Management

Sustainable Purchasing {BP no.15}

3 star - Action 1:

Adopt a sustainable purchasing policy or administrative guidelines/practices directing that the city purchase at least:

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2017
Implementation details:
The City approved of the written policy to purchase Energy Star equipment/appliances and paper with 30% recycled content.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
2 star - Action 4:

Require purchase of U.S. EPA WaterSense-certified products.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2018
Implementation details:

Passed a city council resolution to approve a Sustainable Purchasing Policy that requires city buildings, developments, and renovations to purchase WaterSense-certified equipment.


Met the expectations for 1-Star; the City's requirement for WaterSense-certified product purchasing in its buildings is displayed on its front page.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
The city council verified the Sustainable Purchasing Policy.
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
1 star - Action 7:

Lower the environmental footprint of meetings and events in the city.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2014
Implementation details:
1 Star
-Warren eliminated the use of disposable materials such as non-bathroom paper products and Styrofoam from its city hall and shop buildings.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

Community Forests and Soils {BP no.16}

1 star - Action 3:

Budget for and achieve resilient urban canopy/tree planting goals.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
Replace any trees lost in storms or construction with new trees.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Keep Warren trees healthly and continuely replaced as trees are taken out or lost to storm damage or old age.
Descriptive File:
City Utility department and city park and recreation board
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
1 star - Action 6:

Build community capacity to protect existing trees by one or more of:

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2018
Implementation details:
1-Star: Warren has a volunteer that is a Minnesota Certified Tree Inspector/Minnesota Forest Pest First Detector.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

Stormwater Management {BP no.17}

1 star - Action 2:

Complete the GreenStep Municipal Stormwater Management Assessment.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2018
Implementation details:
The City of Warren is registered for the Blue Star Award program and is doing the assessments to identify where its at.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File:
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

Parks and Trails {BP no.18}

3 star - Action 3:

Achieve minimum levels of city green space and maximize the percent within a ten-minute walk of community members.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2018
Implementation details:
1-Star: The City has 14 acres of municipal park land for its 2000 residents

2-Star: The City has at least 20% of total city land area dedicated to either parks, trails, or publicly accessible school green spaces.

3-Star: The City has ensured that at least 90% of residents are within a 10-minute walk or a half-mile of a park/protected green space.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
1 star - Action 5:

Create park/city land management standards/practices that maximize at least one of the following:

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:

Develop play space in existing city park to make parks more attractive for young families to utilixe park space.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Reduce park upkeep expense by making play space more natural and utlizing native materials and putting down wood chips to cut down mowing of park space.
Descriptive File:
MN Extension for park playing space planning and drawings.
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
2 star - Action 8:

Develop a program to involve community members in hands-on land restoration, invasive species management and stewardship projects.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2017
Implementation details:
1 Star
-W-A-O high school has established a Riverwatch program which encourages student-led projects with assistance from adult volunteers to pursue hands-on restoration projects as well as stewardship projects
- River restoration project and opening of access points within the city

2-Star: In addition to cleanup and removal of exotics, the city works with the county to engage community members in annual restoration of natural areas.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

Septic Systems {BP no.21}

2 star - Action 6:

Work with homeowners and businesses in environmentally sensitive areas and areas where standard septic systems are not the least-cost option to promote innovative waste water systems, including central sewer extensions.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2014
Implementation details:
1 Star
-Extended central sewer system to all of Warren's citizens
-Passed ordinances banning the use of septic systems

2 Star
- Warren Wastewater Treatment Plant utilizes a recirculating ozone system

3 Star
- WWTP cleans and recirculates greywater produced
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Banned septic systems in city limited while extending central sewer system services to all of its residents.
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

Sustainable Consumption and Waste {BP no.22}

2 star - Action 1:

Improve city operations and procurement to prevent and reuse, recycle and compost waste from all public facilities (including libraries, parks, schools, municipal health care facilities), and minimize use of toxics and generation of hazardous waste.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2017
Implementation details:
1 Star
-Developing and implementing its curbside recycling program
-Measured waste generated by surveying the public about their garbage habits
-Curbside city-wide single stream recycling program would reduce the generation of overall solid waste and divert a percentage of that waste into recycling or compostable collection.

2 Star
-City has stopped buying and using disposable paper products and Styrofoam in all of its buildings
-Reusing materials donated from UND to use for the construction of the community center
-Changed a majority of its operations to better incorporate electronic access to documents to reduce the amount of paper waste
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
1 star - Action 2:

Address concerns over consumer products and packaging through encouragement/implementation of one or more of:

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2017
Implementation details:
1 Star
- Educational outreach on waste prevention and new city-wide recycling program
-Implementation of a city-wide curbside recycling program
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

Local Air Quality {BP no.23}

2 star - Action 2:

Reduce residential burning of wood and yard waste and eliminate ‘backyard’ trash burning.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2012
Implementation details:
1 Star
- City passed regulations and ordinances regarding recreational burning and outdoor residential wood boilers (90.38) as well as the permitting process (90.42).
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

Resilient Economic & Community Development Resilient Economic and Community Development

Benchmarks and Community Engagement {BP no.24}

2 star - Action 1:

Inclusive and Coordinated Decision-Making: Use a city commission or committee to lead, coordinate, report to and engage community members on the identification and equitable implementation of sustainability best practices.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2017
Implementation details:
1 Star
• Formation of Best Practices advisory committee with the mayor, a city councilman, and other private citizens serving on the committee.
• City webpage has a link to the city’s GreenStep profile
• Monthly-bimonthly newsletters are provided to committee members and the public at large
2 Star
• Purpose of the committee is to further GreenStep City Best Practice actions
Online link on the city’s webpage to a report detailing the city’s GreenStep accomplishments
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
2 star - Action 4:

Public Education for Action: Conduct or support a broad sustainability education and action campaign, building on existing community relationships, networks & events involving:

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
A day educational form for community on substainablity put on by UND Center for Community Viability.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Community members adopting practices presented by UND.
Descriptive File:
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
2 star - Action 5:

Planning with a Purpose: Conduct a community visioning and planning initiative that engages a diverse set of community members & stakeholders and uses a sustainability, resilience, or environmental justice framework such as:

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2019
Implementation details:
The city of Warren created a group to follow thru on the goals established at the Walkability Workshop conducted by the MN Dept. of Health
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Short term goals are identified to encourage people to walk more and a grant will be applied for to execute the goal.
Descriptive File:
North Valley Public Health; WAO School District
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

Renewable Energy {BP no.26}

2 star - Action 1:

Adopt wind energy and/or biomass ordinances that allow, enable, or encourage appropriate renewable energy installations.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2018
Implementation details:
1 - Star

Conducted a review of land uses, zoning districts, and zoning code to determine if there were any restrictions in place that would prevent solar/wind energy installations. SolSmart is reviewing these as well to ensure that no restrictions exist.

Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
This has cleared the way for Warren to begin developing its own solar permitting and zoning standards which it has already established a permit application
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
3 star - Action 7:

Become a solar-ready community, including adopting ordinance/zoning language and an expedited permit process for residents and businesses to install solar energy systems.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2018
Implementation details:
1 - Star

Created a solar permit checklist for small solar PV systems based on the recommendations of the Grow Solar Toolkit.

2 - Star

Complete 1 Star guidance as well as fixing the permit fee to $100.00 or $150.00 if an additional inspection is necessary.

3 - Star

In the process of becoming a SolSmart-certified city as well as receiving Bronze and Silver designations; once the City of Warren has received these and identified its pathway to Gold designation, these materials will be bundled into a template package for surrounding communities to use.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Establishing a framework to permit and process solar projects in Warren and its surrounding communities.
Descriptive File: view file
SolSmart; CERTs; Great Plains Institute
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

Local Food {BP no.27}

2 star - Action 3:

Create, assist with and promote local food production/distribution within the city:

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed:
Implementation details:
Warren started farmers market in 2012 and ran market in city park in 2012 and 2013.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
More traffic in Warren to local businesses with farmers market in town along with local farmers and other people selling the goods to people throughout the region.
Descriptive File:
Local farmers market association/City of Warren parks and recreation
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343

Climate Adaptation and Community Resilience {BP no.29}

3 star - Action 1:

Prepare to maintain public health and safety during extreme weather and climate-change-related events, while also taking a preventive approach to reduce risk for community members.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2016
Implementation details:
1 Star
-City of Warren in accordance with Marshall County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan (2016) has prepared to maintain public health and safety during extreme weather and climate-change related events, while also taking a preventive approach to reduce risks for community members
-Josh Johnson, the Marshall County Emergency Manager is responsible for the planning process as well as ensuring the plan meets the needs of the county, citizens, and is in compliance with the code of federal regulations
-Emergency Manager is assisted by a Hazard Mitigation Steering Committee and a Hazard Mitigation Planning Team
-Steering Committee is utilized to prepare a 5-year mitigation update effort to best reflect the risks on a yearly basis, and then the committee ensures implementation and support in terms of necessary resources for implementation
-Scott Jorgenson (County Emergency Management Deputy Director), Jason Boman (Marshall County Sheriff), Gail Larson (Public Health Director), and Mark Jones (Safety Director) are some of the individuals on the committee whom are responsible for city preparedness, emergency responses, and recovery efforts in the event of natural disasters such as extreme heat/cold, blizzards, flooding, and tornadoes as well as updating the plan as climate conditions change

2 Star
-The Hazard Mitigation Planning Team is responsible for providing technical guidance, documenting the planning process, and writing the mitigation plan with the Emergency Manager serving as the coordinating entity
-The committee is also tasked with modeling disasters, conducting capability assessments and risk assessments, and creating a hazard and community profile for the county’s most vulnerable population groups relative to each event
-The committee is in constant contact with participating jurisdictions to provide relevant information pertinent to their jurisdictions to act an official conduit between their respective cities and their citizens
-The Hazard Mitigation Plan’s community profile revealed that since much of Marshall County exists in the floodplain, flooding is seen as the most significant hazard with changes in precipitation and winter storms as having the next most significant impact
-The elderly (men and women older than 65), children (under the age of 12), and the disabled have been identified as the most at-risk populations in terms of being vulnerable to extreme cold, blizzards, or tornadoes in regards to climate events
-Warren’s Police Department, Volunteer Ambulance Services, and Fire Department work in hand with Local Public Health Agencies to assure adequate public health infrastructure, protection against environmental health hazards, and with the county to prepare for and respond to disasters and assist communities in protecting vulnerable populations. The County utilizes Wireless Emergency Alerts in addition to traditional emergency broadcasts on radio/television as well as emergency response systems within the city sirens.

3 Star
-Marshall County courthouse has been determined to be an appropriate facility available to the public as a community safe shelter for the City of Warren for the significant climate related events (flooding, extreme cold, tornadoes)
-Moreover, because the County courthouse is located directly across from City Hall, the latter is able to sustain the former with its generators to provide potable water and backup power for a period of 5-7 days.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
Descriptive File: view file
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343
2 star - Action 2:

Integrate climate resilience into city or tribal planning, policy, operations, and budgeting processes.

Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2018
Implementation details:
The city of Warren participated in an assessment of vulnerability conducted by PaleBlueDot. The city participated in the assessment via face to face interview and phone calls.
Outcome measures/metrics/money saved:
The report is published on the city of Warren website for residents to read and consider actions to be taken.
Descriptive File: view file
PaleBlueDot, LLC
For more information contact:
Shannon Mortenson (City staff) | | 218-745-5343