Despite high initial cost, battery-electric buses deliver lowest life-cycle costs to city transit fleets.
Project GreenFleet is a collaborative effort, led by Environmental Initiative, with business, government agencies and non-profit organizations, to improve air quality and protect public health by reducing emissions from Minnesota's diesel-fueled heavy construction vehicles.
The city has installed 8 public Level 2 charging ports across a number of heavily utilized city parks and facilities for use by the public. The city has also installed 24 Level 2 charging ports to support electric city fleet vehicles now and in the future.
As part of the City's (Green) Fleet Purchasing Policy, listed in Phase 2--Purchase Clean Technology, the Fire Department (via goals) aims to adopt new technology, including the installation of auxiliary power units (APUs) to their fleet vehicles to aid in energy efficiency.
Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa - 3 star
Date action report first entered:
Date of last report update:
Year action initially completed: 2006
Implementation details:
In 2008, twelve construction fleet vehicles and eleven school buses were retrofitted with diesel oxidation catalysts.
In 2020, the Band installed 4 Electric Vehicle charging stations: 2 charging stations at Black Bear Casino Resort (with plans for future expansion), 1 charging station at the Min no Aya Win clinic, and 1 charging station at the administration building.
The City of Saint Paul has worked with Project GreenFleet and Donaldson in order to retrofit trucks with DOC units in order to reduce particulate emissions.
Burnsville participates in Project GreenFleet. To date, 4 city diesel engines have been retrofitted. Eleven engines have systems ordered and these will be installed in the near future. Within the next few months, every city vehicle that is less than Tier 3 will have an upgraded emission system.
Through the grant Clean Diesel Grant from the MPCA, Maplewood was able to retrofit four of the city's older diesel engine trucks. This will help fund for the purchase and installation of oxidation catalysts as of summer 2011. The city has also switched their diesel fleet from B2 biodiesel to a B5 biodiesel mixture in the winter with B10 biodiesel in the summer.
Fleet will be replacing all older diesel trucks for newer vehicles that have pre-installed Oxidation Catalysts within the next two years.
Green Fleet a few years back and retro fitted 8 pre- filter Detroits Diesels. Since then we have updated the fleet with all new diesel technologies with filters as standard. The 2010 also have an after burn system using urea. The fleet uses B5 5% soybean.
As of May 2013, Woodbury is in the process of using the MPCA DERA (Diesel Emissions Reduction Act) grant to retrofit four dump trucks with an up-graded exhaust muffler.