Enter/update government-owned building information and monthly usage data into the MN B3 Benchmarking database, and utilize building/energy audits to identify potential improvements.
- Action 1:City Detail
Background Information
City Assessment Files and City Performance Metrics
City councils pass a resolution to join the GreenStep program and are recognized at Step 1. Step 2 and Step 3 recognition levels reflect completed city actions, reported and rated below with stars (1 star = good, 2 stars = better, 3 stars = best). The Assessment File below summarizes completed city actions in a short Word file. Step 4 recognition is awarded to cities who report a minimum number of core metrics for the previous calendar year. These metrics aim to show the aggregate, quantitative results of taking multiple GreenStep actions. Step 5 cities show improvement in the Step 4 metrics. See yearly data for Steps 4&5. Additional city data can be found by reviewing information on B3 Benchmarking and Regional Indicators Initiative.
Assessment File
Metrics Files
Best Practice Actions Underway and Completed
Completed actions are denoted by stars.
Total completed actions: 95
Buildings and Lighting
Efficient Existing Public Buildings {BP no.1}
Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Make no/low cost indoor lighting and operational changes in city-owned/school buildings to reduce energy costs.
- Action 2:Coon Rapids operates two water treatment plants and has worked to make innovative improvements to reduce water use and energy consumption. City staff has reduced both water and energy use by reducing the amount of water run through filtering system and running water into the sanitary sewer system for processing. This improvement has not changed the high quality of water for our residents, but is providing significant cost and water savings. Both water treatment plants have received HVAC upgrades in 2020 and 2021
Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Document that the new construction or major remodeling of a public building has met the SB 2030 energy standard or has met or qualified under a green building or energy framework.
- Action 5:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Improve the operations & maintenance of city-owned/school buildings and leased buildings by using a customized online energy efficiency tool, asset management tool, green building framework or green lease.
- Action 6:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Efficient Existing Private Buildings {BP no.2}
Create or participate in a marketing/outreach/incentive program to promote/achieve residential energy/water use reduction and energy efficiency.
- Action 1:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Conserve/protect drinking/groundwater resources by creating a water-wise landscaping ordinance/guidance, WaterSense purchasing program, or guidance on rainwater harvesting and home water softener use.
- Action 5:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Efficient Outdoor Lighting and Signals {BP no.4}
Purchase LEDs for all future street lighting and traffic signals.
- Action 2:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Coordinate traffic signals and/or optimize signal timing to minimize car idling at intersections yet maintain safe and publicly acceptable vehicle speeds.
- Action 4:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Use LED/solar-powered lighting for a flashing sign or in a street, parking lot or park project.
- Action 5:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Relamp/improve exterior building lighting for city-owned buildings/facilities with energy efficient, Dark-Sky compliant lighting.
- Action 6:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Replace city-owned parking lot/ramp lighting with Dark-Sky compliant, energy efficient, automatic dimming lighting technologies.
- Action 7:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Replace the city's existing traffic signal indications with LEDs.
- Action 8:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Building Redevelopment {BP no.5}
Create/modify a green residential remodeling assistance/financing program to assist homeowners in adding space or features such as EV charging, renewables to their existing homes.
- Action 4:In 2013, the City launched Home for Generations II, a newer program that provides financial incentives to homeowners completing larger remodeling projects. They can receive up to $5,000 and a rebate on 50% of their building permit fees. To qualify, projects must be valued at $35,000 or higher and add living space or major remodel to homes at least 20 years old. So far, 30 homes have been remodeled utilizing the incentives through Home for Generations II.
Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Adopt development/design standards and programs that facilitate infill, redevelopment, and adaptable buildings.
- Action 5:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Land Use
Comprehensive, Climate and Energy Plans {BP no.6}
Adopt a comprehensive plan or (for Category B & C cities) adopt a future land use plan that was adopted by the county or a regional entity.
- Action 1:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Demonstrate that regulatory ordinances comply with the comprehensive plan including but not limited to having the zoning ordinance explicitly reference the comprehensive plan as the foundational document for decision making.
- Action 2:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Include requirements in comprehensive and/or other plans for intergovernmental coordination addressing regional land use and watershed / wellhead impacts, infrastructure, transportation, economic development and city/regional services.
- Action 3:The City has adopted a resolution supporting countywide collaboration for more efficiently delivering public services. Coon Rapids has partnered with UMN and business leaders on economic development and planning in relation to business retention and expansion. Anoka County has central police records, drug task force, civil defense siren and police dog training. Coon Rapids has partnered with Anoka County to cost share new park signs and share maintenance responsibilities. Public Works departments are part of a street materials consortium, equipment sharing program and county street light maintenance program.
Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Resilient City Growth {BP no.7}
Eliminate barriers and actively encourage higher density housing by including in the city zoning ordinance and zoning map:
- Action 1:The City's zoning code allows multi-family housing at a density of over 15 units per acre adjacent to several commercial districts and transit nodes, including the Riverdale commuter rail station on the Northstar line, the Port Wellness, Port Campus Square, and Port Riverwalk redevelopment areas, and the Hanson-Northdale commercial area.
Matt Brown (City staff) | mbrown@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6422
Achieve higher density housing through at least two of the following strategies:
- Action 2:Apartments and other types of attached housing are allowed in several zoning districts: the Riverdale Transit Station District, PORT redevelopment District, Moderate Density Residential District, and High-Density Residential District.
Matt Brown (City staff) | mbrown@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6422
Achieve higher intensity commercial/industrial land uses through at least one of the following strategies:
- Action 3:Matt Brown (City staff) | mbrown@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6422
Provide incentives for affordable housing, workforce housing, infill projects, or for life-cycle housing at or near job or retail centers, or for achieving an average net residential density of seven units per acre.
- Action 4:Matt Brown (City staff) | mbrown@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6422
Use design to create social trust and interaction among neighbors and allow developments that meet the prerequisites for LEED for Neighborhood Development certification.
- Action 5:Matt Brown (City staff) | mbrown@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6422
Mixed Uses {BP no.8}
Organize or participate in a community planning/placemaking/design process for the city/a mixed-use district, including specific community engagement practices that engage cultural and income diverse community members.
- Action 1:A website was created to share up to date information with the community and allow for feedback from residents.
Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Locate or lease a property for use as a school, city building or other government facility that has at least two of these attributes:
- Action 2:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Modify a planned unit development (PUD) ordinance to emphasize or require mixed-use development or affordable housing, to limit residential PUDs to areas adjacent to commercial development, and/or to add sustainability features.
- Action 3:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Efficient Highway- and Auto-Oriented Development {BP no.9}
Establish design goals for at least one highway/auto-oriented corridor/cluster.
- Action 1:The Coon Rapids Blvd corridor has design goals. The stretch of the corridor in the Port Riverwalk area was partially reconstructed in 2020, adding landscaping, streetscape features, lighting, narrower traffic lanes, and improved bike/ped facilities.
Part of the City's 2040 Vision Issues and Projects includes specific transportation areas and goals related to work done in the City. Goals include making streets safer for bikes and pedestrians, increased access to public transit, utilizing urban design standards and evaluating intelligent transportation systems.
Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Participate in regional economic development planning with representatives from surrounding townships, cities, the county and business interests to:
- Action 2:Matt Brown (City staff) | mbrown@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6422
Design for Natural Resource Conservation {BP no.10}
Conduct a Natural Resource Inventory or Assessment (NRI or NRA); incorporate protection of priority natural systems or resources such as groundwater through the subdivision or development process.
- Action 1:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Conserve natural, cultural, historic resources by adopting or amending city codes and ordinances to support sustainable sites, including roadsides, and environmentally protective land use development.
- Action 6:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Living & Complete Streets {BP no.11}
Adopt a complete streets policy, or a living streets policy, which addresses landscaping and stormwater.
- Action 1:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Adopt zoning language or approve a skinny street/development project that follows green street and/or walkable streets principles.
- Action 2:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Modify a street in compliance with the city's complete streets policy.
- Action 3:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Identify, prioritize and remedy complete streets gaps and lack of connectivity/safety within your road network by, for example, bike/pedestrian plan, adding a bike route/lane, truck route, sidewalk or mid-block alley.
- Action 4:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Identify and remedy street-trail gaps between city streets and off-road trails/bike trails to better facilitate walking and biking.
- Action 5:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Implement traffic calming policy/measures, including lane conversions (road diets), roundabouts, low-speed streets, shared space and depaving, in at least one street redevelopment project.
- Action 6:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Mobility Options {BP no.12}
Increase walking, biking and transit use by one or more of the following means:
- Action 1:Coon Rapids is also home to the Riverdale Northstar Station which provides residents a park and ride location, signage, shelters and bike facilities. Coon Rapids has also been recognized as a Walk/Bike Friendly City as part of the Mississippi River Trail that goes through Coon Rapids.
Gregg Engle (City staff) | gengle@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6552
Prominently promote mobility options: public transit; paratransit/Dial-A-Ride; cab services; rental cars; bike lanes; trails; airports.
- Action 3:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Promote carpooling, ridesharing, carsharing, and bikesharing.
- Action 4:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Implement workplace multi-modal transportation best management practices - including telework/flexwork - in city government, businesses or at a local health care provider.
- Action 5:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Add/expand public transit service.
- Action 6:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Efficient City Fleets {BP no.13}
Efficiently use your existing fleet of city vehicles by encouraging trip bundling, video conferencing, carpooling, vehicle sharing and incentives/technology.
- Action 1:Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Right-size/down-size the city fleet with the most fuel-efficient vehicles that are of an optimal size and capacity for their intended functions.
- Action 2:Gregg Engle (City staff) | gengle@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6552
Phase-in operational changes, equipment changes including electric vehicles, and no-idling practices for city or local transit fleets.
- Action 3:Gregg Engle (City staff) | gengle@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6552
Phase in bike, e-bike, foot or horseback modes for police, inspectors and other city staff.
- Action 4:Bike patrol officers have the unique opportunity to be approachable by the public. Bike officers are able to meet the residents and allows for an ideal way to facilitate community policing.
The city utilizes electric golf carts at larger city events, including the 4th of July celebration.
Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Document that the local school bus fleet has optimized routes, start times, boundaries, vehicle efficiency and fuels, driver actions to cut costs including idling reduction, and shifting students from the bus to walking, biking and city transit.
- Action 5:Because the district contracts their bus services, they work to maximize the buses when they are being used. A 3 year study was completed to ensure buses have maximized seating capacity. They found that about 75-80% of elementary and middle school students ride the bus and only about 40% of high school students. Using this information, they have rerouted buses to ensure they are at appropriate seating capacities. This resulted in 20 less buses needed for the district. They continue to make adjustments as needed. These conscious efforts have made the district more efficient, saved money and allowed them to put more money into the classrooms.
Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Retrofit city diesel engines or install auxiliary power units and/or electrified parking spaces, utilizing Project GreenFleet or the like.
- Action 6:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Environmental Management
Sustainable Purchasing {BP no.15}
Adopt a sustainable purchasing policy or administrative guidelines/practices directing that the city purchase at least:
- Action 1:Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Establish purchasing preferences that support local, Minority, Disability, and Women-Owned businesses and, working with a local business association, develop a list of locally-produced products and suppliers for common purchases.
- Action 3:Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Require purchase of U.S. EPA WaterSense-certified products.
- Action 4:Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Set minimum sustainability standards to reduce the impact of your concrete use, asphalt, roadbed aggregate, or other construction materials.
- Action 5:Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Lower the environmental footprint of meetings and events in the city.
- Action 7:Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Use national green standards/guidelines for purchasing/investments such as cleaning products, furniture, flooring/coatings.
- Action 8:Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Community Forests and Soils {BP no.16}
Certify as a Tree City USA.
- Action 1:Tommy Schibilla (City staff) | tschibilla@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6455
Maximize tree planting along your main downtown street or throughout the city.
- Action 4:Tommy Schibilla (City staff) | tschibilla@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6455
Adopt a tree preservation or native landscaping ordinance.
- Action 5:The City has also implemented a buckthorn removal program with the public/residents. The city owns four weed wrenches, which are very effective tools in removing buckthorn. Residents can borrow these at no cost by contacting the City Forester. Buckthorn that is removed from private property can be placed at the curb for the city to pick up free of charge.
The City now also has a native landscaping ordinance, allowing residents to plant native areas on their property. At the same time, the city has been adding more native planting areas in city park projects.
Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Build community capacity to protect existing trees by one or more of:
- Action 6:Tommy Schibilla (City staff) | tschibilla@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6455
Conduct a tree inventory or canopy study for public and private trees.
- Action 7:Tommy Schibilla (City staff) | tschibilla@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6455
Stormwater Management {BP no.17}
Adopt and use Minnesota's Minimal Impact Design Standards (MIDS).
- Action 1:Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Adopt by ordinance one or more of the following stormwater infiltration/management strategies to reduce impervious surface:
- Action 3:The City currently encourages water quality volume reduction of 1.1 inches for new and redeveloped projects disturbing less than one acre. Some projects trigger the Watershed's 1 inch volume reduction requirement based on proximity to impaired waters. At this time, the City only encourages developers to meet volume management standards for smaller projects.
Gregg Engle (City staff) | gengle@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6552
Create a stormwater utility that uses variable fees to incentivize stormwater infiltration, minimize the volume of and pollutants in runoff, and educate property owners and renters on the importance of managing stormwater runoff.
- Action 4:The City has a stomwater utility credit option based on private property implementation of over and above stormwater management practices. Green Bay Packaging has taken advantage of this opportunity.
Gregg Engle (City staff) | gengle@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6552
Adopt and implement guidelines or design standards/incentives for at least one of the following stormwater infiltration/reuse practices:
- Action 5:The City uses the Minnesota Stormwater Manuel for the design of these stormwater Best Management Practices. Many of these stormwater BMPs have been implemented on private development projects over the past several years.
Gregg Engle (City staff) | gengle@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6552
Improve smart-salting by reducing chloride use in winter maintenance and dust suppressants to prevent permanent surfacewater and groundwater pollution.
- Action 6:The City's Parks Dept. has reduced the use of de-icer by 30% by purchasing better, more efficient equipment to distribute deicer's. A program has been set up to check all machinery calibrations before and during the season.
Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Parks and Trails {BP no.18}
Make improvements within your city's system of parks, offroad trails and open spaces.
- Action 1:Gregg Engle (City staff) | gengle@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6552
Plan and budget for a network of parks, green spaces, water features and trails for areas where new development is planned.
- Action 2:Gregg Engle (City staff) | gengle@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6552
Create park/city land management standards/practices that maximize at least one of the following:
- Action 5:Recycling containers are offered at 20 parks throughout the city in order to reduce the amount of recyclable material being put into trash containers due to lack of access to recycling. This program continues to expand and adapt each year to meet the needs of the park system and events.
Gregg Engle (City staff) | gengle@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6552
Develop a program to involve community members in hands-on land restoration, invasive species management and stewardship projects.
- Action 8:Gregg Engle (City staff) | gengle@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6552
Surface Water {BP no.19}
Consistently monitor surface water quality/clarity and report findings to community members.
- Action 1:Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Conduct or support multi-party community conversations, assessments, plans and actions around improving local water quality and quantity.
- Action 2:Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Adopt a shoreland ordinance for all river and lake shoreland areas.
- Action 4:Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Adopt goals to revegetate shoreland and create a local program or outreach effort to help property owners with revegetation.
- Action 5:Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Implement an existing TMDL implementation plan.
- Action 6:Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Efficient Water and Wastewater Systems {BP no.20}
Establish an on-going budget and program for decreasing inflow and infiltration into sewer lines and losses in drinking water systems.
- Action 3:Kory Jorgensen (City staff) | KJorgensen@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6576
Optimize energy and chemical use at drinking water/wastewater facilities and decrease chloride in wastewater discharges.
- Action 4:Kory Jorgensen (City staff) | KJorgensen@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6576
Create a demand-side pricing program to reduce demands on water and wastewater systems.
- Action 7:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Septic Systems {BP no.21}
Report to landowners suspected noncompliant or failing septic systems as part of an educational, informational and financial assistance and outreach program designed to trigger voluntary landowner action to improve septic systems.
- Action 1:Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Use a community process to address failing septic systems.
- Action 2:Gregory Brady (City staff) | GBrady@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6475
Adopt a subsurface sewage treatment system ordinance based on the Association of Minnesota Counties' model ordinance.
- Action 4:Gregory Brady (City staff) | GBrady@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6475
Sustainable Consumption and Waste {BP no.22}
Publicize, promote and use the varied businesses/services collecting and marketing used, repaired and rental consumer goods, especially electronics, in the city/county.
- Action 4:The city website also promotes other options for reuse including problem materials and links to the Anoka County Recyclopedia which has other helpful information for local reuse and repair services .
Arrange for a residential and/or business/institutional source-separated organics collection/management program.
- Action 5:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Improve recycling services and expand to multi-unit housing and commercial businesses.
- Action 6:Coon Rapids is divided into five zones for trash and recycling collection. This limits the number of trucks on the road and assists City function of plowing and sweeping streets.
Coon Rapids operates a residential recycling drop off center providing options for recycling household items that cannot be recycled curbside including carpet, tires, used oil, fluorescent bulbs and more. In 2013, Coon Rapids began collecting organic materials from residents at the recycling drop off center. Materials included all household food waste and non-recyclable paper products.
Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Local Air Quality {BP no.23}
Reduce residential burning of wood and yard waste and eliminate ‘backyard’ trash burning.
- Action 2:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Install, assist with and promote publicly available EV charging stations or public fueling stations for alternative fuel vehicles.
- Action 5:Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Resilient Economic and Community Development
Benchmarks and Community Engagement {BP no.24}
Inclusive and Coordinated Decision-Making: Use a city commission or committee to lead, coordinate, report to and engage community members on the identification and equitable implementation of sustainability best practices.
- Action 1:Coon Rapids has also published various articles related to joining the GreenStep program and plans to add more as various Best Practices are achieved. This information will also be available on the city website.
Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Communicating Progress on Goals: Organize goals/outcome measures from all city plans (social, environmental, economic) and report to community members data that show progress toward meeting these goals.
- Action 2:The Sustainability Report identifies outcomes of various sustainable city projects related to recycling, energy use, water conservation, stormwater management and transportation. Future reports will indicate changes and any relevant outcomes to new projects.
The City uses Envisio to track progress toward comprehensive plan goals.
Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Measuring Outcomes: Engage community members and partners in identifying, measuring, and reporting progress on key sustainability and social indicators/ including energy use/greenhouse gas emissions, social vitality/social inclusion outcome measures.
- Action 3:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Public Education for Action: Conduct or support a broad sustainability education and action campaign, building on existing community relationships, networks & events involving:
- Action 4:Olivia Dorow Hovland (City Staff) | odorowhovland@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6458
Planning with a Purpose: Conduct a community visioning and planning initiative that engages a diverse set of community members & stakeholders and uses a sustainability, resilience, or environmental justice framework such as:
- Action 5:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Green Business Development {BP no.25}
Create or participate in a marketing/outreach program to connect businesses with assistance providers, including utilities, who provide personalized energy, waste or sustainability audits and assistance.
- Action 2:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Promote sustainable tourism in your city, and green tourism resources to tourism and hospitality businesses in/around the city.
- Action 3:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Promote green businesses that are recognized under a local, regional or national program.
- Action 6:To qualify, a business must complete a short on-line (or paper) application, which will be graded/scored by members of the City’s Sustainability Commission. The categories on the application range from solid waste/recycling to efficient lighting, etc. Based on the score, the business will receive a certificate along with a small window cling to display in their entrance, letting customers know that the business participates in sustainable practices. The business will also be advertised on the City’s website, recognizing them for their sustainable efforts.
Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Renewable Energy {BP no.26}
Adopt wind energy and/or biomass ordinances that allow, enable, or encourage appropriate renewable energy installations.
- Action 1:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Become a solar-ready community, including adopting ordinance/zoning language and an expedited permit process for residents and businesses to install solar energy systems.
- Action 7:Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Local Food {BP no.27}
Facilitate creation of home/community gardens, chicken & bee keeping, and incorporation of food growing areas/access in multifamily and residential developments.
- Action 2:In May 2016, Coon Rapids passed an ordinance to allow for the keeping of backyard chickens. This initiative was brought to council by the Sustainability Commission after numerous residents inquired about raising backyard chickens. The ordinance allows for hens for egg production for any resident who gets a permit approved by City staff. There has been a lot of discussion around this and Coon Rapids is excited to start allowing this change for those interested.
Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Create, assist with and promote local food production/distribution within the city:
- Action 3:The City also has a community garden that residents can have plots in. The plots typically sell out as it is a popular program.
Colleen Sinclair (City staff) | csinclair@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6485
Climate Adaptation and Community Resilience {BP no.29}
Prepare to maintain public health and safety during extreme weather and climate-change-related events, while also taking a preventive approach to reduce risk for community members.
- Action 1:Tornadoes, floods, blizzards, droughts and other natural disasters can affect the City of Coon Rapids. In addition, major disasters such as train wrecks, plane crashes, explosions, hazardous material’s incidents, terrorism, pipeline leaks, nuclear power plant incidents, and national security emergencies pose a potential threat to public health and safety in Coon Rapids.
An emergency plan is needed to enable government to continue to operate and carry out emergency functions, and to protect the public, and in some cases the environment, from the effects of the above-mentioned hazards.
Jon Urquhart (City staff) | JUrquhart@coonrapidsmn.gov | 763-767-6487